- Tochukwu Ozurumba: A00258497
Clone repo on your local machine
Ensure you have nodejs v16 and above on your system
run ```npm install`` to install node_modules for this application
create a .env file on the root folder
add the following to the .env file
PRO_URL=postgres://fnenrgaf:2hILnfR32-zXaf4HllPltYJKpQE39RKp@hansken.db.elephantsql.com/fnenrgaf DATABASE_URL_DEV=postgres://fnenrgaf:2hILnfR32-zXaf4HllPltYJKpQE39RKp@hansken.db.elephantsql.com/fnenrgaf DATABASE_URL_TEST=postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/ PORT=3000 TIMEOUT=50000 SECRET=oiuhkyj908765gvhbjnkml87y
then run
npm run start:dev
to start the local server -
Incases you dont want to run the local server, you can use the link deploy on azure app services, https://ischeduleapp.herokuapp.com/api/v1 to call the apis
Last Notification system was installed on using NODEMAILER.