
Hassle-free JSON encoding and decoding in Swift

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Platform Language CocoaPods Carthage License

#JSONCodable Hassle-free JSON encoding and decoding in Swift


  • Simply add the following to your Cartfile and run carthage update:
github "matthewcheok/JSONCodable"
  • or add the following to your Podfile and run pod install:
pod 'JSONCodable', '~> 2.0'
  • or clone as a git submodule,

  • or just copy files in the JSONCodable folder into your project.


  • Uses Protocol Extensions
  • Error Handling
  • Supports let properties
  • Supports enum properties backed by compatible values

Change Log

  • Moved encoding and decoding methods to a helper class

JSONCodable is made of two separate protocols JSONEncodable and JSONDecodable. JSONEncodable allows your structs and classes to generate NSDictionary or [String: AnyObject] equivalents for use with NSJSONSerialization. JSONDecodable allows you to generate structs from NSDictionary coming in from a network request for example.

We'll use the following models in this example:

struct User {
    let id: Int
    let name: String
    var email: String?
    var company: Company?
    var friends: [User] = []

struct Company {
    let name: String
    var address: String?

Using JSONEncodable

Simply add conformance to JSONEncodable (or to JSONCodable):

extension User: JSONEncodable {
    func toJSON() throws -> AnyObject {
        return try JSONEncoder.create({ (encoder) -> Void in
            try encoder.encode(id, key: "id")
            try encoder.encode(name, key: "full_name")
            try encoder.encode(email, key: "email")
            try encoder.encode(company, key: "company")
            try encoder.encode(friends, key: "friends")

extension Company: JSONEncodable {}

The default implementation of func toJSON() inspects the properties of your type using reflection (see Company.) If you need a different mapping, you can provide your own implementation (see User.)

Instantiate your struct, then use the func toJSON() method to obtain a equivalent form suitable for use with NSJSONSerialization:

let dict = try user.toJSON()
print("dict: \(dict)")


[full_name: John Appleseed, id: 24, email: john@appleseed.com, company: {
    address = "1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino, CA";
    name = Apple;
}, friends: (
        friends =         (
        "full_name" = "Bob Jefferson";
        id = 27;
        friends =         (
        "full_name" = "Jen Jackson";
        id = 29;

##Using JSONDecodable

Simply add conformance to JSONDecodable (or to JSONCodable):

extension User: JSONDecodable {
    init?(JSONDictionary: JSONObject) {
        let decoder = JSONDecoder(object: JSONDictionary)
        do {
            id = try decoder.decode("id")
            name = try decoder.decode("full_name")
            email = try decoder.decode("email")
            company = try decoder.decode("company")
            friends = try decoder.decode("friends")
        catch {
            return nil

extension Company: JSONDecodable {
    init?(JSONDictionary: JSONObject) {
        let decoder = JSONDecoder(object: JSONDictionary)
        do {
            name = try decoder.decode("name")
            address = try decoder.decode("address")
        catch {
            return nil

Simply provide the implementations for init?(JSONDictionary: JSONObject) where JSONObject is a typealias for [String:AnyObject]. As before, you can use this to configure the mapping between keys in the Dictionary to properties in your structs and classes.

let user = User(JSONDictionary: JSON)


  id: 24,
  name: "John Appleseed",
  email: Optional("john@appleseed.com"),
  company: Optional(Company(
    name: "Apple",
    address: Optional("1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino, CA")
  friends: [
      id: 27,
      name: "Bob Jefferson",
      email: nil,
      company: nil,
      friends: []
      id: 29,
      name: "Jen Jackson",
      email: nil,
      company: nil,
      friends: []

Working with JSON Strings

The convenience initializer init?(JSONString: String) is provided on JSONDecodable. You may also use func toJSONString() throws -> String to obtain a string equivalent of your types.

Transforming values

To transform values, create an instance of JSONTransformer:

let JSONTransformerStringToNSURL = JSONTransformer<String, NSURL>(
        decoding: {NSURL(string: $0)},
        encoding: {$0.absoluteString})

A JSONTransformer converts between 2 types, in this case, String and NSURL. It takes a closure for decoding and another for encoding, and in each case, you return an optional value of the corresponding type given an input type (you can return nil if a transformation is not possible).

Next, use the overloaded versions of func encode() and func decode() to supply the transformer:

struct User {
  var website: NSURL?

init?(JSONDictionary: JSONObject) {
    let decoder = JSONDecoder(object: JSONDictionary)
    do {
        website = try JSONDictionary.decode("website", transformer: JSONTransformerStringToNSURL)
    catch {
        return nil

func toJSON() throws -> AnyObject {
    return try JSONEncoder.create({ (encoder) -> Void in
        try result.encode(website, key: "website", transformer: JSONTransformerStringToNSURL)

The following transformers are provided by default:

  • JSONTransformers.StringToNSURL: String <-> NSURL
  • JSONTransformers.StringToNSDate: String <-> NSDate ISO format

Feel free to suggest more!

Example code

Refer to the included playground in the workspace for more details.


JSONCodable is under the MIT license.