
String functions Libary including: StringSimilarity, Inject (StringInterpolation), LevenshteinDistance

Primary LanguageVBAMIT LicenseMIT

VBA String Functions

A library of String functions to make life easier! =)

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Reference Object
Microsoft Scripting Runtime Scripting.Dictionary
Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5 RegExp, Match

Public Funtions

Function Description
StringSimilarity This returns a percentage of how similar two strings are using the levenshtein formula.
LevenshteinDistance The distance between two sequences of words.
Inject Returns a new cloned string that replaced special {keys} with its associated pair value.
Truncate Create a max lenght of string and return it with extension.
StringBetween Find string between two words.
StringPadding Returns a string with the proper padding on either side.
ToString Reads any value or object in VBA and returns it in string formatting.

Example Usage

' * Examples of various functions.
' *
' * @author Robert Todar <robert@robertodar.com>
' * @licence MIT
' */
Private Sub testsForStringFunctions()
    Debug.Print StringSimilarity("Test", "Tester")                     '~>  66.6666666666667
    Debug.Print LevenshteinDistance("Test", "Tester")                  '~>  2
    Debug.Print Truncate("This is a long sentence", 10)                '~> "This is..."
    Debug.Print StringBetween("Robert Paul Todar", "Robert", "Todar")  '~> "Paul"
    Debug.Print StringPadding("1001", 6, "0", True)                    '~> "100100"
    Debug.Print Inject("Hello,\nMy name is {Name} and I am {Age}!", "Robert", 31)
        '~> Hello,
        '~> My name is Robert and I am 30!
    Debug.Print ToString(Array(1, 2, 3, 4)) '~> [1, 2, 3, 4]
End Sub