
Official BlinkM Arduino library and examples by ThingM

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Official BlinkM library and examples by ThingM

BlinkM Family

How to use this library

  1. Click the "Download Zip" button under the "Code" button above. You will get a "BlinkM-Arduino-main.zip" file

  2. In the Arduino IDE, go to "Sketch / Include Library / Add .ZIP library..."

  3. Find the "BlinkM-Arduino-main.zip" you download in (1) and click "Open",

    • Arduino will add the BlinkM library to your sketchbook/libraries folder
  4. Restart the Arduino IDE

  5. Now under "File / Examples", you should see "BlinkM" and several example sketches.

    • (in Arduino IDE 2.0, you will to select a Board first)
  6. Open one up, pick your Arduino board, and click "Verify/Compile".