
a movie recommendation app build with flutter tmdb apis and firebase

Primary LanguageDart

The Movie Book

  • The movie book is a system build with flutter to keep track of movies and get recommendations as well as view movie details

Getting Started

This application uses clean architecture with MVVM design pattern Riverpod is employed for state management and reactive caching GoRouter is used for navigation

Application Structure


Folder Structure
  • In the lib folder, there are two sub-folders, util and src. Further down in the src folder there are two sub-folders, core and ui.
    • The core folder contains essential features of the app. Without them the application can't function an example is the user, the application can't handle any resource protected action. A shared feature can be present in the core folder.It also contains add up features or functionalities that are added up to the application to enhance the UX. An example is adding notification, the application doesn't require is to function but it makes alerting the users easier.
    • The ui folder all user interface components including screens custom widgets and theme data
  • In every feature folder either in src, it follows a folder structure which is based upon clean architecture or MVVM.
Models: Entities
  • Represent your domain object
  • Apply only logic that is applicable in general to the whole entity (e.g. User object)
  • Plain dart objects: no frameworks, no annotations
Models: Repositories
  • Represent your abstract contracts for the functionalities to be represented.
  • Should contain only abstract class with pure dart code that is well documented for reference.
States: Backend
  • Represent your business actions, it’s what you can do with the application. Expect one use case for each business action
  • Pure business logic, plain dart.
  • The use case doesn't know who triggered it and how the results are going to be presented (e.g. returns an entity or a failure, log out, or simply logged, etc.)
States: notifiers
  • This implements the abstract contract written in the states/backend folder.
  • Favour composition over inheritance. either the local database,network info or remote database would be called. In some cases, Other platform dependent abstract repositories would be called.
  • Define interfaces for the data that they need in order to apply some logic. One or more databases will implement the interface, but the use case does’t know where the data is coming from
  • Throws business exceptions
States: providers
  • Connects backend to the UI flow.
  • Handles simple data manipulation to suit the pages.
  • Can contain core flutter engine codes but no widget related import.
Data: Models
  • Extends domain entities to add json conversion and database related input and outputs.
  • Plain dart objects: comes with annotations
  • Retrieve and store data from and to a number of sources either remote database or locally
  • Implement the interfaces defined by the use case
  • Use whatever framework is most appropriate (they are going to be isolated here anyway). This project uses hive, sqflite and shared preference.
  • Note: if using an ORM for database access, here you'd have another set of objects in order to represent the mapping to the tables (don't use the core entities as they might be very different). This project has hive_adapters that are used as the database ORM.
UI: View
  • Contains specific UI code, flutter material/cupertino related imports.
  • Can be a standalone screen without any extension from ancestor screens.
View: Components
  • Use widgets to break down, long code lines into simple modular pages.
  • UI related strings in specific view is stored here.
UI: Widget
  • Contains specific UI code, flutter material/cupertino related imports.
  • Can not be standalone screen and needs to be imported into an existing page.
  • Are ways to interact with the application, and typically involve a delivery mechanism (e.g. android or ios plugins)
  • This handles plugin configurations from third party services.
  • All network requests are performed here.
  • Dio is the primary frame work employed
  • Contain utility files like currency converter function, date format and the likes


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