Template engine based on Microsoft's Razor parsing engine for .NET Core
Pinned issues
- 11
- 8
- 0
Compile render string without model
#543 opened by vanillajonathan - 7
Removing RazorEngine temporary files and memory leak.
#511 opened by Brook3r - 5
Azure functions V4 issue
#540 opened by w1ckedmellow - 1
- 0
Unable to use 'media' queries in html templates
#536 opened by lazarus-cm - 0
Make sure PreserveCompilationContext is set to true
#537 opened by JozefGula - 0
- 1
AddDynamicTemplates for embedded resources
#534 opened by sybaris - 0
IncludeAsync but truncate if too long.
#532 opened by sybaris - 0
Entity Framework Core and RazorLight : "An error occurred while accessing the Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting service"
#531 opened by sybaris - 0
- 3
The library states it is .Net System 2.0
#526 opened by traustitj - 1
[Question] Pros of using Cache System
#525 opened by abdullahbaa5 - 4
The type or namespace name 'Razor' does not exist in the namespace 'RazorLight'
#522 opened by gswartz777 - 3
Inject page to @RenderBody programmatically
#524 opened by bretbas - 1
Unable to use Linq extension methods
#523 opened by Fosol - 0
- 3
Project can not find template with key
#516 opened by MikeOtown - 3
Cannot reconstruct the original paths of the embedded files, preventing debugging from working.
#510 opened by ascott18 - 12
- 2
Missing space in exception message
#498 opened by BryceBarbara - 0
Failed to find type or namespace name 'Dictionary'
#513 opened by mirrortom - 9
Error when trying to render from .NET 6 project
#506 opened by czielin - 1
- 2
Cannot find compilation library location for package (From legacy website project)
#508 opened by fedegarciarod - 1
- 21
Feature Request: Generate an assembly and persist it to disk (Precompile views)
#491 opened by MarkKharitonov - 2
RazorLightDependencyBuilder ExcludeAssemblies
#476 opened by mikart143 - 1
RazorLight template fails when System.Runtime.Experimental NuGet included
#505 opened by CurtisFulton - 2
Could not load type Microsoft.Extensions.Primitives.InplaceStringBuilder when using UseFileSystemProject
#503 opened by comparin19 - 5
error while using .UseEmbeddedResourcesProject(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly())
#474 opened by passronny - 1
QUESTION: Is it possible work with vbhtml files?
#495 opened by JBypass - 22
How to save template in cache?
#493 opened by alekdavis - 1
- 26
- 3
Update Embedded Resource Docs to be more explicit
#472 opened by mwasson74 - 1
Disable cache for templates
#468 opened by AndreyMisnikov - 2
Performance Expectations
#482 opened by TheWrightDev - 2
- 20
System.UriFormatException: Invalid URI: The hostname could not be parsed. #479
#480 opened by junalmeida - 2
- 5
About caching
#478 opened by cadilhac - 2
UrlHelper access
#477 opened by cadilhac - 95
DOTNET 6 Error - Cannot find compilation library location for package 'System.Security.Cryptography.Pkcs'
#460 opened by jacodv - 0
Problem with custom IFileInfo implementation with FileSystemRazorProjectItem
#470 opened by slavisharper - 2
- 0
Why is .cshtml extension required for it to work?
#464 opened by bugproof - 1
dynamic object support
#461 opened by avoxm