- org article:
- Now coming to the steps, first navigate to a folder where you want to create the venv.
- create a folder “venv” inside Downloads
- navigate to "venv" folder and type at cmd: "python -m venv venv_name"
- Simply give your venv any name. Once you do this, you will see a folder is created in that path.
- navigate to Scripts folder inside your venv created and type the command “activate” to go inside your venv.
- You will observe that the name of your venv now shows in the beginning of the path inside command prompt.
- Now you have successfully created a virtual environment in python.
- You can go ahead and install any library in here using pip command.
- Windows https://medium.com/@asheshnathmishra/how-to-create-a-virtual-environment-in-python-on-a-windows-11-system-2023-80cd37c14db3
- MacOS: How to activate Python venv on a Mac? | by Manzeel Uprety | Medium
- Now coming to the steps, first navigate to a folder where you want to create the venv.
- create a folder “venv” inside Downloads
- navigate to "venv" folder and type at cmd: "python -m venv venv_name"
- Simply give your venv any name. Once you do this, you will see a folder is created in that path.
- navigate to Scripts folder inside your venv created and type the command “activate” to go inside your venv.
- You will observe that the name of your venv now shows in the beginning of the path inside command prompt.
- Now you have successfully created a virtual environment in python.
- You can go ahead and install any library in here using pip command.
- To exit the virtual environment simply type the following command: deactivate
pyenv global 3.11
- Step #1 on intial setup
- use:
- export SSL_CERT_FILE=223943_zscaler.pem
- pip install {package_name}
- cd /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/
- curl -o "CarMax_Cloud_PKI_Root_CA.crt" "http://aia.carmax.cloud.axiadids.net/CarMax\_Cloud\_PKI\_Root\_CA.crt"
- curl -o "CarMax_Cloud_SSL_Issuing_CA.crt" "http://aia.carmax.cloud.axiadids.net/CarMax\_Cloud\_SSL\_Issuing\_CA.crt"
- sudo security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -k /Library/Keychains/System.keychain CarMax_Cloud_PKI_Root_CA.crt
- sudo security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -k /Library/Keychains/System.keychain CarMax_Cloud_SSL_Issuing_CA.crt
- export SSL_CERT_FILE=$(python -m certifi)
- use:
- Install the Required CA Certificates:
- Obtain the root and intermediate certificates from your IT or network team. Import these certificates into your system’s and browser's certificate stores.
- Set the Environment Variable:
- Set the NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS environment variable to point to the CA certificate file. This can be done in the terminal using:
export NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS="/path/to/your/ca-certificate.pem"
- Disable Certificate Verification (Not recommended for production):
- If this is a development workaround, you might disable strict SSL certificate verification by setting:
- Note: Disabling SSL verification is not a secure practice and should only be used temporarily for troubleshooting.
- Use a Custom HTTPS Agent:
- For more control within the application, consider using a custom HTTPS agent that points to your CA certificates.
- Make sure to follow your organization's security policies while making these changes, and consult with your IT or network team as needed.
- Make: pip freeze > requirements.txt
- Use: pip install -r requirements.txt