
A calculator webapp without ads.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Adless Calc(ulator)

Tired of cheesy ipad apps with ads? Me, too.

Too cheap or principled to pay Apple for the privelege of letting them judge your app worthy? Me, too. (Cheap, that is.)

A beautiful solution: web-app's on the home screen! An educational experiment as well.

Begun 19 May 2012


  • replicate ability of calculator to repeat computation by pressing =
  • shiny keys
  • Add buttons in landscape mode
  • memory indicator
  • display/clear error conditions
  • Better version indication (dedicated button? info panel?)
  • Sync version in app/manifest? (read/parse manifest via js)
  • icon
  • better perf: hit keys rapidly
  • Alert user of process to save webapp on home screen if not window.navigator.standalone: http://cubiq.org/add-to-home-screen
  • keyboard input (use form text field for display instead of simple div? catch operation keys?)
  • test, deal with floating point precision problems (return 1 instead of 0.9999...)


  • Prettier button animation
  • Animate resize positioning


  • HTML5 boilerplate
  • Draw button
  • Position absolutely
  • Position/size output
  • Hook up basic calculator
  • Respond to changing viewport size
  • memory buttons
  • center-up keypad
  • key appearance
  • animate button press (shadow/colors?)
  • push css into external css file
  • Clean up resize (hide elements during move?)
  • font size for display
  • disable reposition app by dragging
  • unicode multiply,divide symbols
  • manifest, headers to support offline mode -- fix home page not refreshing?
  • Switch from jquery to zepto
  • perf: must be snappy!
  • Provide visible version indicator
  • Use click for desktop
  • don't zoom on long/double touch
  • monospace font in display
  • v.38 limit number digits to width of screen / precision
