
This is a static site to share liturgies for prayer, generally based on the Book of Common Prayer currently in use by The Episcopal Church. The top of each liturgy can contain a QR code, enabling people to share with one another by displaying the code and allowing someone else to scan it on their own smartphone.

See the site!


"It runs on my box!"

At a minimum you're going to want:

  • hugo
  • python
  • myqr: a Python library to generate QR codes
  • pyexcel_ods3: a python library to parse LibeCalc files
  • LibreOffice is my tool of choice for editing spreadsheets. Why are you still paying the Microsoft tax? Especially now that they want to sell you an annual subscription. LibreOffice (and Open/Star Office before it) have been my go-to office suite for nearly 30 years!


  • Fill out a spreadsheet page for the desired year.
  • Run ./ods2sp to build liturgies for that year.
  • Run ./makeqrcodes in root directory to automatically generate QR codes for every page.
  • Run hugo to build static pages
  • Push to github (or your host of choice) to deploy


There's a tags field that can be filled in, and picked up by index pages to automatically include select pages. The way I include them index/listliturgies "StT weekend" will pick up pages containing all the specified tags for the current month or the first week of the subsequent month. Because that's how I like to populate my indices.


No effort stands alone. I particularly want to recognize important inspirations and data sources specific to this project:



  • provide aliases to bcp/xxx to include by page number
  • provide he/rite1/ versions
  • provide he/eow/ versions


  • add tags to filenames created by ods2sp
  • update lff2json to remove accents from slugs
  • regenerate & re-import lff2018keys.csv into liturgy plans
  • x add lff2018 feasts to template spreadsheet
  • x use lff2018.json to generate collects, lessons from shortcodes
  • x provide options & defaults for page numbers, hymn numbers for sanctus, Lord's prayer, fraction
  • Psalms page to access psalms individually
  • ods2sp: only regenerate pages older than spreadsheet


  • (python) draw hymns from hymntracker spreadsheet automatically (or build json table with defaults?)
  • (python) generate monthly home pages for the year; quick script to copy into index.html, and update archive/ to forward to the current week
  • (python) build json table of dates for each sunday/bcp holiday for 2000-2100 (automate dates in templates)
  • (python) Daily Office RCL: begin by just drawing down from
  • Add proper prefaces to Prayer A, Prayer B using bcpcollects
  • Calendar interface simple range exercises
  • Liturgical colors
  • rename hymns/* to match h- l- wlp- convention of shortcode hymns
  • Store psalms in json?
  • Store scriptures in json?!?
  • Add json db of BCP page number for Pss, Eucharistic Ps selections
  • Test suite for lesson shortcode
  • About
    • Inspiration & Intended uses
    • Opinionated options, readings
    • About me
    • About QR codes
    • About shortcodes
    • About customization for your organization
  • Simplified Anglican Chant
  • Get consistent on presider vs. celebrant: match BCP
  • Review shortcodes for updated formatting
  • Be able to select which readings/collects when alternatives are available (alt=2) -- or just require manual override?
  • Generate lesser feasts
  • Versioned shortcodes to maintain older liturgies?
  • Consider lost formatting in texts (e.g., Hebrew poetry in Wisdom 3.1-9)
  • (python) Ensure all oremus texts are reproduced in lpn folder: can oremus be removed?
  • (python) Check that all scriptures in bcprcl are available
  • script to generate responsive psalms for all partial psalms in rcl
  • Separate generated liturgies for St. Thomas', generic?
  • add BCP page numbers to more pieces
  • Eucharist
    • For each season
    • For Major Feasts during each season
  • Full years for each prayer?

2022 February

  • x summaries of each week's lesson references for easy cut/paste
  • x lectionary pages (all readings for a season / year)
  • x Combine non-hymn part of he/communion into About Communion options
  • x Add second parameter to hymn for "Processional" "Anthem" etc.
  • x yaml/toml db for lff/saints -- converted lff2018 to json

2022 January

x Daily Office x For each season

  • x Add json db of hymns: {{% hymn L-20 %}} -- Greg Johnstone provides!


x Finish out Advent, Xmas liturgy templates x Abandon template idea; build from spreadsheet (ods2sp)

27 November 2021

  • x DRY he/lesson and office/lesson
  • x DRY shortcode and he/
  • x Handle canticles in psalm shortcode(?)
  • x Thanksgiving litany for 2021, in template for 2022
  • x Generate liturgies for 2022
  • x Bring in Prayer B for 2022
  • x Bring in other post-communion, longer fraction for 2022
  • x Evaluate, Fix up, and copy in texts for lectionary from
  • x Psalms draw alternatively from lpn folder?

x Script to generate liturgies - 4 Nov 2021

  • x Generate dates for a liturgical year
    • x all Sundays relative to SundayAfterChristmas or EasterSunday or Epiphany1 or SundayAfterNextXmas
    • x Thanksgiving is special (fourth Thursday in Nov)
    • x some fixed dates (encode precedence rules? fix by hand?)
  • x For each feast/date, build from template
  • x by default only build future dates (parameter; assume current year; 2022 starts on advent1 in 2021)
  • x Directory of templates in order of precedence:
    • directories: 2022 | yearc | default
    • files: first-sunday-of-advent | advent | weekday | weekend | default

October 2021

  • x Proof, adpat, and integrate bcprcl.json from
  • x Also move collects, titles, prefaces into bcpcollects.json
  • x Check that generated pages are essential unchanged (except for corrections)


  • Automatic 2021
    • x Python: only generate liturgies for after current date
    • x Adapt spreadsheet to reflect he-current
    • Move to sharedprayers project, creating bin folder
    • Automatically export from librecalc
  • x Fill out he/blessing stubs
  • Handle canticles that take the place of Psalms

  • Texts
    • x Write script to get a single text from oremus api
    • x check formatting of downloaded text for suitability
    • x generate slugs for passages by removing spaces, punctuation
    • =loop through references & download texts (instead harvested from
  • =Link lectionaryyear: abc to 'a'
  • Refactor
    • =script to translate from week to season? Won't necessarily work for Major Feasts on edges of moving seasons
    • x clean up scattered shortcodes to be ready for automated liturgies
  • xPentitential Order
    • x Add greetings for other seasons (manually / logically chosen)
    • x Move out of Lent into (into root directory of shortcodes?)


  • x propercollect
  • x propertitle
  • x Use "single" page templates to include QR code?
  • x Use "single" template to include optional headers
    • x title (read in from file using named proper)
    • x liturgydate
    • x bcppage
  • x Translate liturgydate to my preferred form
  • x Tighten up he-covid to minimize manual bits: he-covid-epiphany, he-covid-lent
  • x Create omnibus shortcodes (nesting shortcodes doesn't seem to work) to go between hymns, scriptures. Or maybe just lots of hierarchies of shortcodes built for each year/season: stt/2021/he/wegather/epiphany.
    • x wegather
    • x werespond (with parameter for custom generic/custom PoP response?)
    • x greatthanksgiving-a
    • x wereceive
    • x dismissal
  • x Share these prayers as part of a page template?
  • x Scriptures as links to oremus
  • x Optionally embed hymns in the shortcodes?
  • Eliminate "season" front matter in favor of proper (translate for daily office?)
  • Finish tidying up evening prayer
  • Stations of the cross slides / liturgy
  • Nested shortcode parameters via scratch or pipe?
  • Lessons (two parameters: first/second and reference)
    • x automatically provide appropriate introduction to reading
    • x if lesson is not provided as an inner, provide a link to oremus
    • add a blank line between paragraphs
    • Provide references for HE readings
    • Provide references for Office readings
    • provide actual scriptures for HE readings
    • provide actual scriptures for Office readings
  • Gospels
    • x automatically provide introduction to reading (easier!)
    • x if lesson not provided as an inner, provide link to oremus
    • add a blank line between paragraphs
    • Provide references for readings
    • provide actual scriptures for HE readings
  • Psalms
    • x Encode psalms for responsive reading
    • x automatically provide Psalm if not in Inner
    • Provide references for HE readings
    • Provide references for Office readings
    • provide partial Psalms for HE readings
    • parse out multiple Psalms for office readings
  • x Slideshows
    • Adopt styles from remark.js intro slideshow (e.g., columns, colors)
  • About
    • Archives
    • Slides
    • Resources / Tools
    • Custom
    • Author
    • BCP / TEC x properpreface (maybe?) x Provide scriptures in manner similar to collects x Allow SharedPrayers to be customized for different groups x what parts of a prayer need to be customized? (e.g., PoP, hymns) x provide a spreadsheet for a year's worth of prayers x parse that spreadsheet into a file hierarchy that is easily accessed from hugo x Format Shared Prayers to print well to replace bulletins? x First step: a sticker with the shared prayers QR code on the mini-bulletin.
    • Second step: a sticker with the shared prayers QR code & explanation in the front cover of the prayer books in the pews.