This repository contains the materials for the course entitled: Spark with HDInsight - Enterprise Ready Machine Learning and Interactive Data Analysis at Scale.
- Spark Clusters on HDInsight
- Available Spark Clusters
- HDI Versioning and Support
- API Specific Features
- R Server on Spark
- Interactive Notebooks with Jupyter and Zeppelin
- Using External Packages with Jupyter
- Installing Zeppelin Notebooks on HDInsight Linux Clusters
- Leveraging BI Tools with Apache Spark
- Use PowerBI to Interact with Hive and Spark
- Developer Tools and Remote Debugging with IntelliJ IDEA
- Submitting Spark Jobs Remotely Using Livy
- Functional Programming, Scala and the Collections API
- Cluster Architecture
- Spark Standalone
- Spark on YARN
- Spark on Mesos
- RDDs - Parallel, Distributed Memory Data Structures
- Immutability and the RDD Interface
- Functions on RDD - Transforms vs Actions
- Fault Tolerance with Shared Memory Partitioned Collections and DAGs
- The Art of Being Lazy - Tracking Lineage
- Caching and Persistence for Reuse
- Tale of Three Data APIs - RDDs, DataFrames and Datasets
- Type Safety
- Unifying Data Processing Across Libraries
- Sharing Metastore and Storage Accounts with Hadoop/Hive Clusters and Spark Clusters
- DataFrames API - Collection of Rows with a Consistent Schema
- Integrated APIs for Mixing Relational, Graph, and ML Jobs
- Exploring Relational Data with Spark SQL
- Catalyst Query Optimization
- Local and Physical Plans
- Code Generation
- Optimizing Joins in Spark SQL
- Broadcat Joins versus Merge Joins
- Creating Custom UDFs for Spark SQL
- Caching Spark DataFrames, Saving to Parquet
- Optimized Columned Storage Through Parquet
- Improved Reads and Filters in SparkSQL with Parquet
- Better Reads, Better Scans, Lower Disk I/O
- Interoperability with RDDs, DataFrames, and Local Collections
- Easier Functional Transformations
- Grouped Operations on Datasets
- Jobs, Stages, and Tasks
- Spark Contexts, Applications, the Driver Program and Spark Executors
- Partitions and Shuffles
- Understanding Data Locality
- Monitoring Spark Jobs with the Spark WebUI
- Managing Spark Thrift Servers and Changing YARN Resource Allocations
- Monitoring Spark Jobs with Spark UI
- Viewing Spark Job Graphs, and Understanding Spark Stages
- Managing Interactive Livy Sessions and their Resources
- Troubleshooting Livy Sessions
- Creating Spark Streaming Applications Using Spark DStreams APIs
- DStreams, Stateful, and Stateless Streams
- Comparison of DStreams and RDDs
- Transformers for DStreams
- Persisting Long Term Data in HBase, Hive or SQL
- Creating Spark Structured Streams
- Using DataFrames and DataSets API to Create Streaming DataFrames and DataSets
- Window Transformations for Stateful and Stateless Operations
- Understanding Graph Analytics and Graph Operators
- Vertex and Edge Classes
- Mapping Operations
- Measuring Connectedness
- Training Graph Algorithms with GraphX
- Performance and Monitoring
- Reducing Memory Allocation with Serialization
- Checkpointing
- Visualizing Networks with SparkR, d3 and Jupyter
- MLLib and Spark ML - Understanding API Patterns
- Featurizing DataFrames using Transformers
- Developing Machine Learning Pipelines with Spark ML
- Cross-Validation and Hyperparameter Tuning
- Training ML Models on Text Data: Tokenization, TF/IDF, and Topic Modeling with LDA
- Using Evaluators to Evaluate Machine Learning Models
- Unsupervised Learning and Clustering
- Managing Models with ModelDB
- Parallel External Memory Algorithms and Distributed Compute Contexts
- Using and CRAN R Inside R Server Transforms
- Distinctions and Considerations when Using CRAN R
- Deploying R Functions and Models with
- Configuration and Roadmap
- Deploying R Functions and Models with
- Defining Your Own PEMA and UDFs with rxExec
- Performance Comparisons to SparkML
- Feature Comparisons
- keep spark streaming/graphx as high level pieces
- hands-on for streaming
- structured streaming lab
- need to all prerequisites together
- daily quetsions 10 or so questions
- sparkml - pyspark or scala (1/4 day)
- r server on spark (1/2 day)
- ashish: dev skew [HDInsight sandbox]
- still TBA, proposal
- sandbox skew ->
- most workloads pkgd into single VM
- very useful for trainings!
- consider for examples
- no r server on spark
- auto-scale spark
- might be ready for demo
- keep it high level