Extendable functional css for humans.
Quickly build and design new UI without writing css.
This is a fork of tachyons-custom which makes use of PostCSS placeholders. When used in conjunction with postcss-extend it is possible to take full advantage of Tachyons without bloating your markup with classnames. Since placeholders act as virtual classes, only those which are @extend
ed will be included in the final output CSS.
Docs: http://tachyons.io/docs/layout/position/
Media Query Extensions:
-ns = not-small
-m = medium
-l = large
%static { position: static; }
%relative { position: relative; }
%absolute { position: absolute; }
%fixed { position: fixed; }
@each $bkpt, $nmsp in (--breakpoint-not-small, --breakpoint-medium, --breakpoint-large), (ns, m, l) {
@media ($bkpt) {
%static-$(nmsp) {
@extend %static;
%relative-$(nmsp) {
@extend %relative;
%absolute-$(nmsp) {
@extend %absolute;
%fixed-$(nmsp) {
@extend %fixed;
With tachyons-extendable
and the deps above installed and configured, it is then simply a matter of composing CSS files in your application using the provided placeholders.
.big-title {
@extend %pa1;
@extend %bg-black-90;
@extend %white;
@extend %lh-copy;
@extend %tracked-tight;
Clone the repo from github and install dependencies through npm.
git clone https://github.com/toddlawton/tachyons-extendable.git
cd tachyons-extendable
npm install