
These are the beginnings / experiments of a Neo4j-Spark-Connector using the new binary protocol for Neo4j, Bolt.

Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Neo4j-Spark-Connector based on Neo4j 3.0's Bolt protocol

These are the beginnings of a Neo4j-Spark-Connector using the new binary protocol for Neo4j, Bolt.

Find more information about the Bolt protocol, available drivers and documentation.

Please note that I still know very little about Apache Spark and might have done really dumb things. Please let me know by creating an issue or even better submitting a pull request to this repo.


This neo4j-spark-connector is Apache 2 Licensed


Build target/neo4j-spark-connector_2.10-1.0.0-RC1-full.jar for Scala 2.10

git clone https://github.com/neo4j-contrib/neo4j-spark-connector
cd neo4j-spark-connector
mvn clean compile assembly:single -DskipTests -Pscala_2.10

Build target/neo4j-spark-connector_2.11-full-1.0.0-RC1.jar for Scala 2.11

mvn clean install assembly:single


If you're running Neo4j on localhost with the default ports, you onl have to configure your password in spark.neo4j.bolt.password=<password>.

Otherwise set the spark.neo4j.bolt.url in your SparkConf pointing e.g. to bolt://host:port.

You can provide user and password as part of the URL bolt://neo4j:<password>@localhost or individually in spark.neo4j.bolt.user and spark.neo4j.bolt.password.


There are a few different RDD's all named Neo4jXxxRDD

  • Neo4jTupleRDD returns a Seq[(String,AnyRef)] per row
  • Neo4jRowRDD returns a spark-sql Row per row


  • Neo4jDataFrame, a SparkSQL DataFrame that you construct either with explicit type information about result names and types
  • or inferred from the first result-row

GraphX - Neo4jGraph

  • Neo4jGraph has methods to load and save a GraphX graph

  • Neo4jGraph.execute runs a Cypher statement and returns a CypherResult with the keys and an rows Iterator of Array[Any]

  • Neo4jGraph.loadGraph(sc, label,rel-types,label2) loads a graph via the relationships between those labeled nodes

  • Neo4jGraph.saveGraph(g, nodeProp, relProp) saves a graph object to Neo4j by updating the given node- and relationship-properties

  • Neo4jGraph.loadGraphFromNodePairs(sc,stmt,params) loads a graph from pairs of node-id's

  • Neo4jGraph.loadGraphFromRels(sc,stmt,params) loads a graph from pairs of start- and end-node-id's and and additional value per relationship

  • Neo4jGraph.loadGraph(sc, (stmt,params), (stmt,params)) loads a graph with two dedicated statements first for nodes, second for relationships

Graph Frames

GraphFrames (Spark Packages) are a new Spark API to process graph data.

It is similar and based on DataFrames, you can create GraphFrames from DataFrames and also from GraphX graphs.

NOTE: GraphFrames are still early in development and had only a first release 0.1.0, which is currently only available for Scala 2.10.

  • Neo4jGraphFrame(sqlContext, (srcNodeLabel,nodeProp), (relType,relProp), dst:(dstNodeLabel,dstNodeProp) loads a graph with the given source and destination nodes and the relationships in between, the relationship-property is optional and can be null
  • Neo4jGraphFrame.fromGraphX(sc,label,Seq(rel-type),label) loads a graph with the given pattern
  • Neo4jGraphFrame.fromEdges(sqlContext, srcNodeLabel, Seq(relType), dstNodeLabel)

Example Usage


Download and install Neo4j 3.0.0 or later (e.g. from http://neo4j.com/download/)

For a simple dataset of connected people run the two following Cypher statements, that create 1M people and 1M relationships in about a minute.

FOREACH (x in range(1,1000000) | CREATE (:Person {name:"name"+x, age: x%100}));

UNWIND range(1,1000000) as x
MATCH (n),(m) WHERE id(n) = x AND id(m)=toInt(rand()*1000000)
CREATE (n)-[:KNOWS]->(m);


You can also provide the dependencies to spark-shell or spark-submit via --packages and optionally --repositories.

$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-shell \
      --conf spark.neo4j.bolt.password=<neo4j-password> \
      --packages neo4j-contrib:neo4j-spark-connector:1.0.0-RC1,graphframes:graphframes:0.1.0-spark1.6


$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-shell --conf spark.neo4j.bolt.password=<neo4j-password> \
--packages neo4j-contrib:neo4j-spark-connector:1.0.0-RC1

import org.neo4j.spark._

Neo4jTupleRDD(sc,"MATCH (n) return id(n)",Seq.empty).count
// res46: Long = 1000000

Neo4jRowRDD(sc,"MATCH (n) where id(n) < {maxId} return id(n)",Seq(("maxId",100000))).count
// res47: Long = 100000


$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-shell --conf spark.neo4j.bolt.password=<neo4j-password> \
--packages neo4j-contrib:neo4j-spark-connector:1.0.0-RC1

import org.neo4j.spark._
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._

val df = Neo4jDataFrame.withDataType(sqlContext, "MATCH (n) return id(n) as id",Seq.empty, ("id",LongType))
// df: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [id: bigint]

// res0: Long = 1000000

val query = "MATCH (n:Person) return n.age as age"
val df = Neo4jDataFrame.withDataType(sqlContext,query, Seq.empty, ("age",LongType))
// df: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [age: bigint]
// res31: Array[org.apache.spark.sql.Row] = Array([49500000])

// val query = "MATCH (n:Person)-[:KNOWS]->(m:Person) where n.id = {x} return m.age as age"
val query = "MATCH (n:Person) where n.id = {x} return n.age as age"
val rdd = sc.makeRDD(1.to(1000000))
val ages = rdd.map( i => {
    val df = Neo4jDataFrame.withDataType(sqlContext,query, Seq("x"->i.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]), ("age",LongType))
val ages.reduce( _ + _ )

val df = Neo4jDataFrame(sqlContext, "MATCH (n) WHERE id(n) < {maxId} return n.name as name",Seq(("maxId",100000)),("name","string"))
// res0: Long = 100000

Neo4jGraph Operations

$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-shell --conf spark.neo4j.bolt.password=<neo4j-password> \
--packages neo4j-contrib:neo4j-spark-connector:1.0.0-RC1

import org.neo4j.spark._

val g = Neo4jGraph.loadGraph(sc, "Person", Seq("KNOWS"), "Person")
// g: org.apache.spark.graphx.Graph[Any,Int] = org.apache.spark.graphx.impl.GraphImpl@574985d8

// res0: Long = 999937

// res1: Long = 999906

import org.apache.spark.graphx._
import org.apache.spark.graphx.lib._

val g2 = PageRank.run(g, 5)

val v = g2.vertices.take(5)
// v: Array[(org.apache.spark.graphx.VertexId, Double)] = Array((185012,0.15), (612052,1.0153273593749998), (354796,0.15), (182316,0.15), (199516,0.38587499999999997))

Neo4jGraph.saveGraph(sc, g2, "rank")
// res2: (Long, Long) = (999937,0)                                                 


GraphFrames are a new Spark API to process graph data.

It is similar and based on DataFrames, you can create GraphFrames from DataFrames and also from GraphX graphs.

There was a first release (0.1.0) of GraphFrames which is only available for Scala 2.10 which is available on the Maven repository for Spark Packages.


  • Introduction article

  • API Docs // * Flights Example // * SparkSummit Video

    $SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-shell --conf spark.neo4j.bolt.password=
    --packages neo4j-contrib:neo4j-spark-connector:1.0.0-RC1,graphframes:graphframes:0.1.0-spark1.6

    import org.neo4j.spark._

    val gdf = Neo4jGraphFrame(sqlContext,("Person","name"),("KNOWS",null),("Person","name")) // gdf: org.graphframes.GraphFrame = GraphFrame(v:[id: bigint, prop: string], e:[src: bigint, dst: bigint, prop: string])

    val gdf = Neo4jGraphFrame.fromGraphX(sc,"Person",Seq("KNOWS"),"Person")

    gdf.vertices.count // res0: Long = 1000000

    gdf.edges.count // res3: Long = 999999

    val results = gdf.pageRank.resetProbability(0.15).maxIter(5).run // results: org.graphframes.GraphFrame = GraphFrame(v:[id: bigint, prop: string, pagerank: double], e:[src: bigint, dst: bigint, prop: string, weight: double])

    results.vertices.take(5) // res5: Array[org.apache.spark.sql.Row] = Array([31,name32,0.96820096875], [231,name232,0.15], [431,name432,0.15], [631,name632,1.1248028437499997], [831,name832,0.15])

    // pattern matching val results = gdf.find("(A)-[]->(B)").select("A","B").take(3) // results: Array[org.apache.spark.sql.Row] = Array([[159148,name159149],[31,name32]], [[461182,name461183],[631,name632]], [[296686,name296687],[1031,name1032]])

    gdf.find("(A)-[]->(B);(B)-[]->(C); !(A)-[]->(C)") // res8: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [A: structid:bigint,prop:string, B: structid:bigint,prop:string, C: structid:bigint,prop:string]

    gdf.find("(A)-[]->(B);(B)-[]->(C); !(A)-[]->(C)").take(3) // res9: Array[org.apache.spark.sql.Row] = Array([[904749,name904750],[702750,name702751],[122280,name122281]], [[240723,name240724],[813112,name813113],[205438,name205439]], [[589543,name589544],[600245,name600246],[659932,name659933]])

    // doesn't work yet ... complains about different table widths val results = gdf.find("(A)-[]->(B); (B)-[]->(C); !(A)-[]->(C)").filter("A.id != C.id") // Select recommendations for A to follow C val results = results.select("A", "C").take(3)


You can also build it yourself or pull the Spark 1.6 jar from the Spark Packages page.

To build the `neo4j-spark-connector with GraphFrames support build and install GraphFrames locally with:

git clone https://github.com/graphframes/graphframes
cd graphframes
# scala 2.10
sbt -Dspark.version=1.6.0 assembly publishM2
# scala 2.11 you have to patch build.sbt to scalatest 2.13 -> "org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % "2.1.3" % "test"
sbt -Dspark.version=1.6.0 assembly publishM2 -Dscala.version=2.11.7


The project uses the java driver for Neo4j's Bolt protocol. We use its org.neo4j.driver:neo4j-java-driver:1.0.1 version.


Testing is done using neo4j-harness, a test library for starting an in-process Neo4j-Server which you can use either with a JUnit @Rule or directly. I only start one server and one SparkContext per test-class to avoid the lifecycle overhead.

Please note that Neo4j running an in-process server pulls in Scala 2.11 for Cypher, so you need to run the tests with spark_2.11. That's why I had to add two profiles for the different Scala versions.