Simple 4-bit/1 Hz virtual computer for learning purposes
instructions - 4 bits
| +-- addresses - 4 bits
v v
----***- <- 0 ----
--*-**-* <- 1 ---*
---***-- <- 2 --*-
---***** <- 3 --**
----***- <- 4 -*--
---***-* <- 5 -*-*
----**-- <- 6 -**-
---****- <- 7 -***
-***---* <- 8 *---
-*--**** <- 9 *--*
-------- <- 10 *-*-
-------- <- 11 *-**
-------- <- 12 **--
-------* <- 13 **-*
-------* <- 14 ***-
<OUTPUT> <- 15 ****
- Execution starts at the first address (0).
- Execution stops when program reaches last address (15).
- Whatever gets written to the last address is sent to the printer.
- Computer has one 8 bit register.
- When reading from the last address (15), we get a random byte value.
READ ----
- Copies the value at the specified address into register.WRITE ---*
- Copies value of the register to the specified address.ADD --*-
- Adds value at the specified address to the value of the register, and writes result to the register. If the result is bigger than the maximum possible value (255 = ********) then 255 gets written.SUBTRACT --**
- Subtracts value at the speicfied address from the value of the register, and writes result to the register. If the result is smaller than 0 then 0 gets written.JUMP -*--
- Changes the value of the program counter to the specified address, meaning that in the next cycle execution will continue at that address.IF MAX -*-*
- Jumps to the specified address if register has value 255 =********
.IF MIN -**-
- Jumps to the specified address if register has value 0 =--------
.SHIFT R -***
- Moves every bit of the register one spot to the right. This way rightmost bit gets lost, and a leftmost becomes '-'. This is the only instruction that doesn't use the address part, making the last four bits irrelevant.- Any instruction that is not defined above gets interpreted as
READ ----
- Download and install wget
- Open Command Prompt
- Go to the directory where you want Cygwin installed
- Install and start Cygwin:
setx PATH "%PATH%;C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin" wget --no-check-certificate mkdir cygwin setup-x86_64.exe --quiet-mode --no-shortcuts --site --root %cd%\cygwin -P git -P gcc-g++ -P ncurses -P vim-common -P libgcc1 -P libclang-devel -P make -B cygwin\Cygwin.bat
* Run the *UNIX* commands
### UNIX
git clone
cd comp-cpp
bash run
If you come up with interesting program, please feel free to add it to doc/example-programs.