
Infrastructure as Code - Builds an entire AWS environment with Templates

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Infrastructure as Code - Builds an entire AWS environment with Templates

The Build Process

The AWS architecture is managed using CloudFormation templates.

The diagram below outlines the process to build the entire architecture from the ground up.

Template Diagram

  1. User starts the build by launching the wrapper stack via the AWS console or an API call.
  2. The wrapper template launches the vpc stack and builds the VPC infrastructure.
  3. Once the VPC build has completed, wrapper calls the security template to deploy the security groups.
  4. After the security stack is completed, all the dependencies required to build the rest of the services are in place. The elb, cache, rds-replica and bastion templates are launched.
  5. After successful completion, 6 CloudFormation stacks (including the wrapper stack) are created.

The Topology

Topo Diagram

Each VPC contains the following resources:

  • Two availability zones to provide local redundancy
  • Two NAT servers for outbound initiated traffic
  • Two servers in an Autoscale group attached to a Load Balancer (ELB)
  • Two ElastiCache nodes
  • One read-replica Db node (The master should be located in another region.)
  • One bastion host for remote access and management


At a minimum, the Autoscale policy will keep 2 instances running, 1 in each availability zone, at all times. Autoscale will scale up by adding an instance in each availability zone after exceeding the total connection count threshold for 1 evaluation period. The policy will scale down after the connection count drops below the threshold for 4 evaluation periods.


  • The ELB security group (443, 80) permits all traffic.
  • The Bastion security group (22) permits your admin CIDR.
  • The Common security group applied to the instances permits traffic (80, 8082) from the ELB security group.
  • The Cache security group (11211) and RDS security group (3306) permit connections from the Common security group.

CloudFormation Templates

Template Purpose
bastion-template.json Launches a Bastion host into the public subnet in availability-zone 1
cache-template.json Launches the Cache node cluster
elb-template.json Deploys a Load Balancer and Autoscale group
rds-master-template.json Creates the master mySQL database (Note: Not launched by the wrapper template)
rds-replica-template.json Creates a mySQL read-replica node
security-template.json Creates all the needed security groups for each service
vpc-template.json Creates the VPC and all it's resources
wrapper-template.json Used to build the entire site from scratch

Regions currently supported:

  • N. Virginia (us-east-1)
  • Oregon (us-west-2)
  • Ireland (eu-west-1)
  • Tokyo (ap-northeast-1)

Note: Update template "Mappings" to add more regions.