Bringup-Bench is a collection of standalone minimal library and system dependence benchmarks useful for bringing up newly designed CPUs, accelerators, compilers and operating systems. You probably don't need Bringup-Bench, but if you do, you probably need it badly!
- AhmedMostafa16
- aolofssonZero ASIC Corporation
- arjunsk@aws
- astrolemonade
- AyaseEriiUniversity of Virginia
- codetronautsomewhere on the earth
- DevenLu
- fatihgulakarIstanbul
- fire@V-Sekai
- Guru-98@ultraviolette-automotive
- heshpdxAmpere Computing
- hober-yaohangzhou
- IanTrudelIan Trudel Software Designer
- imsakg@ForaTechnology
- Jench2103School of Computing, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
- kadircs
- kmmakinaciDresden
- kthompsonTELUS Agriculture & Consumer Goods
- las-nish@tvative
- MattPD
- oguzhanmeteozturkStroma Vision Inc.
- olgunataberkETH Zürich
- RadhikaGHarvard University
- RechieKho
- schwarzschild-radiusNvidia
- SeungkwanKangKAIST (EE)
- shacron
- simple555a
- stinejeOklahoma State University
- tkersey@thisisartium
- tlemoNVIDIA
- toddmaustinUniversity of Michigan
- usmanakram232@ginmon
- yelbom@yelbom
- yesilzeytinYongatek Microelectronics
- zunchenhuangtheNextDimension