
Simple package to handle response properly in your API.

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Simple package to handle response properly in your API. This package use Fractal and are based on Build APIs You Won't Hate book.


Via Composer

$ composer require ellipsesynergie/api-response

Install in Laravel 4

Once this operation completes, you need to add the service provider. Open app/config/app.php, and add a new item to the providers array.


Install in your favorite framework or vanilla php

This package can be used in ANY framework or vanilla php. You simply need to extend EllipseSynergie\ApiResponse\AbstractResponse and implement the withArray() method in your custom class. You can take a look at EllipseSynergie\ApiResponse\Laravel\Response::withArray() for a example.

If you have created a new implementation for a specific framework, i strongly recommend you to send a pull request to this repository.

You will also need to instantiate the response class with a fractal manager instance.

// Instantiate the fractal manager
$manager = new \League\Fractal\Manager;

// Set the request scope if you need embed data
$manager->parseIncludes(explode(',', $_GET['include']));

// Instantiate the response object, replace the class name by your custom class
$response = new \EllipseSynergie\ApiResponse\AbstractResponse($manager);

For more option related to fractal manager, you can take a look at the official website

Example inside Laravel controller


class BookController extends Controller {

    * Example returning collection
    public function index()
        //Get all books
        $books = Book::all();
        // Return a collection of $books
        return Response::api()->withCollection($books, new BookTransformer);

    * Example returning collection with custom key
    public function index()
        //Get all books
        $books = Book::all();
        //Custom key
        $customKey = 'books';
        // Return a collection of books
        return Response::api()->withCollection($books, new BookTransformer, $customKey);

    * Example returning collection with paginator
    public function index()
        //Get all books
        $books = Book::paginate(15);
       // Return a collection of $books with pagination
       return \Response::api()->withPaginator(
           new BookTransformer

    * Example returning collection with paginator with custom key and meta
    public function index()
        //Get all books
        $books = Book::paginate(15);
        //Custom key
        $customKey = 'books';
        //Custom meta
        $meta = [
            'category' = 'fantasy'
       // Return a collection of $books with pagination
       return \Response::api()->withPaginator(
           new BookTransformer,

    * Example returning item
    public function show($id)
        //Get the book
        $book = Book::find($id);
        // Return a single book
        return Response::api()->withItem($book, new BookTransformer);

    * Example returning item with a custom key and meta
    public function showWithCustomKeyAndMeta($id)
        //Get the book
        $book = Book::find($id);
        //Custom key
        $customKey = 'book';
        //Custom meta
        $meta = [
            'readers' = $book->readers
        // Return a single book
        return Response::api()->withItem($book, new BookTransformer, $customKey, $meta);
    * Example resource not found
    public function delete($id)
        //Try to get the book
        $book = Book::find($id);

        //Book not found sorry !
            return Response::api()->errorNotFound('Book Not Found');
    * Example method not implemented
    public function whatAreYouTryingToDo()
        return Response::errorMethodNotAllowed("Please don't try this again !");

##Ouput example

###One book

    "data": {
        "id": 1,
        "title": "My name is Bob!.",
        "created_at": {
            "date": "2014-03-25 18:54:18",
            "timezone_type": 3,
            "timezone": "UTC"
        "updated_at": {
            "date": "2014-03-25 18:54:18",
            "timezone_type": 3,
            "timezone": "UTC"
        "deleted_at": null

###Collection of books

    "data": [
           "id": 1,
           "title": "My name is Bob!",
           "created_at": {
               "date": "2014-03-25 18:54:18",
               "timezone_type": 3,
               "timezone": "UTC"
           "updated_at": {
               "date": "2014-03-25 18:54:18",
               "timezone_type": 3,
               "timezone": "UTC"
           "deleted_at": null
           "id": 2,
           "title": "Who's your dady ?",
           "created_at": {
               "date": "2014-03-26 18:54:18",
               "timezone_type": 3,
               "timezone": "UTC"
           "updated_at": {
               "date": "2014-03-26 18:54:18",
               "timezone_type": 3,
               "timezone": "UTC"
           "deleted_at": null


    "error": {
        "code": "GEN-NOT-FOUND",
        "http_code": 404,
        "message": "Book Not Found"


$ phpunit



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.