
Voting Simulation REPL game

Primary LanguageRuby


  1. Added a primary election but it could use some refactoring/cleaning up. Fixed bug where all politicians visit every voter after a primary. Altered so that now only the primary winners visit every voter and give stump speeches.

  2. Needs additional refactoring.

  3. Needs additional tests.

  4. Currently pre-populating sample users. Comment out out lines 6 through 9 in voter.rb to avoid using those users.

Ruby Voter Simulation...Wyncode Assignment

Here was the assigned problem:

Create a REPL-driven voting simulation program. It should work like this.

This is the main menu:

What would you like to do? Create, List, Update, or Vote When I type Create:

What would you like to create? Politician or Person When I type Politician:


Party? Democrat or Republican When I type Person:


Politics? Liberal, Conservative, Tea Party, Socialist, or Neutral When creating something is done, return to the main menu.

When I type List, output a list of all the created characters.

  • Politician, Charlie Crist, Democrat
  • Voter, Juha Mikkola, Socialist When I type Update, allow me to update a character.

Name? Charlie Crist

New name?

New Party? # if a politician New Politics? # if a voter When I type Vote, start the simulation.

First, run a campaign. Every politician should visit every voter and do a stump speech.

If a politician is a Republican, he has a

  • 90% chance of convincing a Tea Party voter to vote for him
  • 75% chance of convincing a Conservative voter to vote for him
  • 50% chance of convincing a Neutral voter to vote for him
  • 25% chance of convincing a Liberal voter to vote for him
  • 10% chance of convincing a Socialist voter to vote for him

If a politician is a Democrat, he has a

  • 90% chance of convincing a Socialist voter to vote for him
  • 75% chance of convincing a Liberal voter to vote for him
  • 50% chance of convincing a Neutral voter to vote for him
  • 25% chance of convincing a Conservative voter to vote for him
  • 10% chance of convincing a Tea Party voter to vote for him

After every stump speech

  • puts a comment from the Voter indicating whether or not he has changed his mind
  • if the Voter is also Politician, puts a comment condemning what was said in the speech

The campaign is complete when every voter has listened to at least one stump speech.

When the campaign is over, tally up the votes and determine the winner.

Politicians are also Voters, but they will always vote for themselves.

You should practice using TDD to help you manage such a large project. (this is the piece I'm still working on)