Fully featured .component() polyfill for Angular v1.3+
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How to write Unit Tests for components created using angular-component polyfill?
#41 opened by asadsahi - 4
one way binding syntax doesn't work
#14 opened by vanceingalls - 1
one-way binding not working?
#43 opened by linkedrank - 2
Angular ui-router resolved object are undefined when trying to access from within components
#40 opened by asadsahi - 4
ui-router resolve
#8 opened by menems - 1
Problems with `angular-component.js` and `ui-router-route-to-components` working together.
#37 opened by jjlorenzo - 0
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$postLink is not called with arguments
#35 opened by tomatosource - 5
Multiple One Way Bindings
#31 opened by tschant - 0
Add $doCheck() lifecycle hook
#32 opened by toddmotto - 1
Add unit tests
#28 opened by toddmotto - 1
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Align with @ onChanges syntax
#27 opened by toddmotto - 0
$onChanges and one-way bindings support
#22 opened by toddmotto - 1
why is $rootScope injected but not used?
#23 opened by oriSomething - 1
[QUESTION] - Angular2 Components Features
#21 opened by matheuspoleza - 1
Dynamic controller binding
#16 opened by warapitiya - 8
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ng-show/hide doesn't work in template?
#19 opened by lf94 - 3
controllerAs name VS '$ctrl'
#13 opened by mrichard - 5
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The version is npm is outdated (0.0.1 --> 0.0.2)
#10 opened by juhamust - 9
Can't set any isolate scope properties
#9 opened by azevedo - 1
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Can this also live on NPM?
#1 opened by hanford