
Show/hide toggling for password inputs.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Psswrd Build Status

Show/hide toggling for password inputs. Psswrd is a super simple JavaScript drop in that allows the user to toggle their password before submitting the form. This saves the user typing in their password a second time which aims to enhance the experience. Psswrd is 1KB minified and an Immediate-Invoked-Data-Expression (IIDE).


Check out a demo of Psswrd.

Installing with Bower

To install Psswrd into your project using Bower, use the GitHub repository hook:

bower install https://github.com/toddmotto/psswrd.git

Manual installation

Drop your files into your required folders, make sure you're using the file(s) from the dist folder, which is the compiled production-ready code. Ensure you place the script before the closing </body> tag so the DOM tree is populated when the script runs.

	<!-- html content above -->
	<script src="dist/psswrd.js"></script>

Configuring Psswrd

Psswrd self-initiates when you tell it to, it doesn't need calling like a regular plugin, it just watches for the data-init-psswrd attribute and will fire when ready. Configuring only takes a minute as it's been built with ease in mind.

You'll probably have a form on your page, so you'll need to init the plugin on it (though the init is limited to any element):

<form action="/" method="post" data-init-psswrd>


Then inside that, you'll want to tell it what input fields to watch:

<input type="password" data-psswrd-toggle>

That's it.

The structure of your form, however, is advised to be as follows to allow for optimal styling and structure:

<form action="/" method="post" data-init-psswrd>
		<input type="text">
		<input type="password" data-psswrd-toggle>
	<button type="submit">Submit</button>

The above uses the <label> element to provide a container for when the checkbox input and toggle text are appended inside. Psswrd takes care of the rest of things and your form will look like this:

<form action="/" method="post" data-init-psswrd>
		<input type="text">
		<input type="password" data-psswrd-toggle>
		<input type="checkbox" class="data-psswrd-checkbox" data-psswrd-checkbox>
		<div class="data-psswrd-text" data-psswrd-text>Show password</div>
	<button type="submit">Submit</button>


Project files and folder structure.

├── dist/
│   ├── psswrd.js
│   └── psswrd.min.js
├── src/
│   └── psswrd.js
├── .editorconfig
├── .gitignore
├── .jshintrc
├── .travis.yml
├── Gruntfile.js
└── package.json


MIT license