- 4
- 5
Endpoints without parameters throwing Exception
#145 opened by waner11 - 6
Normalize diacritics in player lookup
#138 opened by ap-ack - 1
- 2
Add query param
#146 opened by raaraa - 6
The roster for team
#142 opened by WillMusing - 1
Thanks Todd!
#144 opened by AlecM33 - 2
Extra Games in Schedule
#137 opened by Haglothor - 2
Get Team Mark
#136 opened by webdeveloper1016 - 5
#135 opened by thomasthaddeus - 2
Incorrect seasons endpoint documentation
#128 opened by ntbanks - 2
- 10
Player Stats Error
#133 opened by kid-coding - 1
- 6
game_contextMetrics 404 Not Found for url
#125 opened by jeffabc1997 - 1
#122 opened by ryanpate - 1
Determining a list of teams that a player played on
#121 opened by Dang1es - 5
Standings_data division parameter should accept divisionId instead of only abbreviation
#115 opened by justintran12 - 2
TypeError: Teamrecords.__init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'eliminationnumbersport'
#120 opened by martinmccarthy - 2
- 2
Return line score when using schedule end point
#118 opened by arihani2 - 7
- 1
- 1
team stats
#113 opened by gjj07 - 1
- 1
Past 7 Day stats for player id
#116 opened by Ext-DASH - 1
Get request for 'team_stats' returning 404
#117 opened by pinsondg - 2
Missing documentation?
#114 opened by rpoynter1342 - 1
Change License to MIT
#99 opened by toddrob99 - 2
Way to obtain gamePk for current game?
#112 opened by unnes - 1
Anyway to retrieve Play by play data
#108 opened by cruzjon2024 - 4
SSLError when hitting statsapi
#110 opened by kfinneman - 2
Awards winners by player/season
#101 opened by jdominguez13 - 3
- 5
schedule function KeyError
#96 opened by thesouthpawkc - 3
- 1
- 4
404 Client Error - team_stats Endpoint
#92 opened by Laneville - 4
Attribute Error - Function: lookup_team
#91 opened by Laneville - 2
Additional Data?
#90 opened by jouellnyc - 3
How to get minor league stats?
#87 opened by ForceConstant - 1
- 2
Issue making client side request to api
#89 opened by maxnbf - 3
Some games are hidden by the api but appear when you search by game_id with the api
#82 opened by ewrwrnjwqr - 3
Pitches per inning
#81 opened by apelt001 - 4
Cleaner endpoint for stats ranked by team
#78 opened by rs7q5 - 2
How to get game_log for a player?
#86 opened by ForceConstant - 4
Missing Players
#84 opened by mayeradelman - 1
Get Player Information
#80 opened by ishaanp9 - 5
Question about getting gamePk for past games / how to get game by game stats for each player
#79 opened by corey-Robinson1337