
Very simple build system for small projects, accepting various unix style toolchains (for cross-compilation, etc).


  • Build target: ../latest.sh <[build, package, run]> -t <target> -c <toolchain,"Host">
  • Build package: ../latest.sh <[build, package, run]> -p <package> -c <toolchain, "Host">


cd Src
dotnet build

Build System Setup

Create sources, toolchains, then targets. Optionally create projects (collection of targets, can be packaged).

Config Files


Create SOURCES file at root of sources directory (paths will be relative to this directory). Example: SOURCES. Defines build output path (OutDir), directories and toolchains, each entry in "Toolchains" must have a toolchain file. Optionally can define Config root (ConfigDir) to be referenced by project files.


Defines each unix toolchain that can be invoked to compile sources. Examples: TOOLCHAIN_Host, TOOLCHAIN_Arty. Defines binary directory, toolchain prefix, and flags to use.


Defines binary name, C/C++ files, and flags. Source files are relative to current directory or can be relative to sources directory be prefixing with ">". Example: Test/Common/MyApp/TARGET.


Defines list of targets and optionally configs. Example: Test/PROJECT_Hosted. These can be packaged into a zip file with the heierarchy:

bin/<compiled binaries>
dat/<list of config files>

Entries in [Configs] section can be directory or files. These can also use ">" syntax to be relative to ConfigDir.

Example Usage

Build one target with default(Host) toolchain

../latest.sh build -t Hosted/MyHosted

Build and run one target with default(Host) toolchain

../latest.sh run -t Hosted/MyHosted

Build one target specified toolchain (cross-compile)

../latest.sh build -t Hosted/MyHosted -c Artyz7

Build project

../latest.sh build -p Full

Build project with toolchain

../latest.sh build -p Hosted -c Host
../latest.sh build -p Full -c Host

Package project

../latest.sh package -p Hosted