
Illustrate techniques for material motion and clean architecture in Android

Primary LanguageJava

ListOfThings app

This app is a contrived example to illustrate some recommended techniques for Android. It displays a list of things retrieved from an external source and cached to locally to disk.The external source implementation is currently just a mock object (see MockThingService), but could easily be connected to real sources using a retrofit implementation of ThingService.

The app demonstrates the following UI techniques:

  1. List animations for refresh, remove, undo, and toggle view modes
  2. Shared element transitions between Activities - updated implementation of this
  3. CollapsibleToolbarLayout with CoordinatorLayout
  4. Overscroll to return to previous Activity
  5. translucent system bars

And these architectural techniques:

  1. Uncle Bob's Clean Artchitecture with SOLID principles
  2. Separate app, core, and data modules to enforce independent layers
  3. Dev and Prod product flavors to keep essential non-production code out of production builds.
  4. Dagger 2 for dependency injection
  5. RxJava for asynchronous data operations
  6. Shelf for basic object disk caching
  7. Retrofit for web service integration
  8. Activities and Views without of Fragments. Based on this.
  9. Junit and Mockito for unit tests
  10. Retrolambda for Java 8 lambda support
  11. Example Interactors to isolate business cases
  12. Example Repository and DataSource to demonstrate separation of caching policies, entity mapping, and external source integration
  13. Injectable Mock DataSource (MockThingService)
  14. BasePresenter to separate presentation work from Views (e.g. manage view-related Rx subscriptions)
  15. Retrofit ServiceFactory
  16. Rx Scheduler injection
  17. Mocked delay (2 seconds) for Thing Service to demonstrate UI progress feedback
  18. Switchable Environments
  19. Git build integration
  20. Global error handling
  21. Image loading with Picasso


Copyright 2015 Todd Way

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you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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