Simple Mediasoup Peer

Simple Mediasoup Peer is meant to provide a simple approach to building real-time video and audio web applications for more than 10 people. Under the hood, this library wraps the powerful, low-level Mediasoup SFU library library with a simple API, using the websocket library for signaling.

Getting Started

See the example for guidance.

Server-Side Setup

On the server-side, simply add this line after initializing the io engine:

const io = require('')();
new SimpleMediasoupPeerServer(io);

Client-Side Setup

On the client-side, this requires the use of a Javascript complier. The examples use parcel.

The api consists of the following methods:

socket = io("localhost:5000", {
    path: "/",

const peer = new SimpleMediasoupPeer(socket);

// add a MediaStream track to your peer object
peer.addTrack(videoTrack, "webcam");

// connect to a given peer (based on their socket ID)

// broadcast a track (so that connected peers auto-subscribe)
peer.addTrack(videoTrack, "webcam", true);

// deal with incoming tracks
peer.on("track", (incomingTrack, peerId, label) => {
    // do something with this new track
    // info will contain the label assigned by the addTrack 
    // method: {label: "webcam", peerId: "e8219dsjwek123a", broadcast: false}


How many peers can I support?

That depends on how they are several things: total number of connections, the server you are using, and the quality of the media stream you are sending.

To Do


  • - Update to logging library
  • - Optionally set custom update frequency on server?
  • - Override update frequency if there is a broadcast?
  • - Allow metadata instead of label?
  • - Allow for auto-connect flag on client-side?
  • - Add method to disconnect from peer and cleanup any consumers
  • - Support data producer / consumer
  • - Support multiple rooms?

Bugs and Testing

  • - What is proper behavior for change in socket ID?
  • - if someone has previously added then paused a peer, then they remove and add a track, will the paused state be respected?
  • - ensure tranports have successfully connected on client side before attempting to produce.
  • - add a way to close a producer completely


  • - socket glitches and reassigning IDs
  • - make it work with multiple routers
  • - optionally add encodings for addTrack function? for screenshare quality
  • - pass in IP rather than using .env?
  • - better alternative to ontrack?
  • - Add ability to switch track
  • - ensure load balancing across workers?
  • - ensure maximum number of workers created
  • - UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: a Producer with same id "9d89745e-af87-4372-80e8-e9f6282c15ee" already exists
  • - UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Error: a Producer with same producerId already exists
  • - separate examples from library code
  • - pre-build library?
  • - when connecting then clicking resume, how to ensure connection before we've resumed (or at least fail gracefully?)


  • - simple example
  • - broadcast example