Match play scripts

Some assorted scripts in support of this post about match play golf:

How Many Paths are Possible in an 18 Hole Round of Match Play Golf?

  • calculate_match_play_paths.R: backward induction to calculate the number of possible paths in a round of match play golf
  • draw_match_play_tree.R: make pretty match play trees using ggplot2
  • usga_data_analysis.R: some one-off analyses of the hole-by-hole USGA data used in the post
  • usga_hole_by_hole_data.csv: the raw hole-by-hole data
  • usga_match_data.json: JSON representation of each match
  • usga_scraper.rb: quick and dirty script to collect data from the USGA's website for amateur championships from 2010-2014