
Materials in support of this post: http://toddwschneider.com/posts/the-reddit-front-page-is-not-a-meritocracy/

There are 3 main components to the repo:

1. Rails application that grabs the top 100 items from reddit every 5 minutes

The app is not intended to be used as a web server, just as a clock process and delayed job worker. You can run it with:

bundle exec foreman start -f Procfile.clockandworker

The clock dumps a blob of serialized text into the reddit_observations table every 5 minutes, then a delayed job worker processes each of those blobs into the posts and observations tables. Some additional methods cache a few attributes on those tables, and fetch data fromt the Imgur API -- these methods are run manually from the Rails console

2. R scripts for data analysis

reddit_analysis.R does the heavy lifting

3. Postgres database dump file

rdr_seed.dump contains data from the reddit top 100 between September 15 and October 31, 2014

It includes only the posts and observations tables -- the raw content in reddit_observations table would take up too much space, and none of the analysis depends on that table anyway. You can restore the database on your local machine with pg_restore (you have to install postgres first if you haven't yet):

pg_restore --verbose --clean --no-acl --no-owner -h localhost -d rdrreddit_development /path/to/rdr_seed.dump

The dump file is about 25 mb compressed, and will take up 175 mb on disk once fully restored