
Tracking WebAssembly proposals

WebAssembly proposals

Active proposals

Proposals follow this process document.

Phase 4 - Standardize the Feature (WG)

Proposal Champion

Phase 3 - Implementation Phase (CG + WG)

Proposal Champion
Reference Types Andreas Rossberg
Tail call Andreas Rossberg
Bulk memory operations Ben Smith
JavaScript BigInt to WebAssembly i64 integration Dan Ehrenberg & Sven Sauleau
Fixed-width SIMD Deepti Gandluri and Arun Purushan
Multiple memories Andreas Rossberg
Custom Annotation Syntax in the Text Format Andreas Rossberg

Phase 2 - Proposed Spec Text Available (CG + WG)

Proposal Champion
Threads Ben Smith
ECMAScript module integration Lin Clark & Daniel Ehrenberg
Exception handling Heejin Ahn
Type Reflection for WebAssembly JavaScript API Till Schneidereit

Phase 1 - Feature Proposal (CG)

Proposal Champion
Type Imports Andreas Rossberg
Garbage collection Andreas Rossberg
Interface Types Luke Wagner and Francis McCabe
WebAssembly C and C++ API Andreas Rossberg
Typed Function References Andreas Rossberg
Conditional Sections Thomas Lively
Extended Name Section Andrew Scheidecker
Memory64 Ben Smith
Flexible Vectors Petr Penzin

Phase 0 - Pre-Proposal (CG)

Proposal Champion
Web Content Security Policy Ben Titzer
Funclets: Flexible Intraprocedural Control Flow Dan Gohman
Module Types Luke Wagner and Andreas Rossberg
Constant Time John Renner, Hovav Shacham, Deian Stefan, Conrad Watt

Contributing new proposals

Please see Contributing to WebAssembly for the most up-to-date information on contributing proposals to standard.