
Telegram bot which fetches GitHub Profiles.

Primary LanguagePython


This is a Telegram bot which fetches Profile summary using GitHub API. Ported to serverless as part of #noserverNovember

How to use 🤔


What do I need 🤔

  • A AWS key configured locally, see here.
  • NodeJS.
  • A Telegram account.


# Install the Serverless Framework
$ npm install serverless -g

# Install the necessary plugins
$ npm install

# Get a bot from Telegram, sending this message to @BotFather
$ /newbot

# Put the token received into a file called serverless.env.yml, like this
$ cat serverless.env.yml
TELEGRAM_TOKEN: <your_token>

# Change app and tenant to your ones
$ nano serverless.yml
app: <your-app>
tenant: <username>

# Export you AWS Keys to your shell

- Get some help from [here](https://serverless.com/framework/docs/providers/aws/guide/credentials/)

# Deploy it!
$ serverless deploy

# With the URL returned in the output, configure the Webhook
$ curl -X POST https://<your_url>.amazonaws.com/dev/set_webhook


# Create a virtual python env
$ python3 -m venv pytest-env

# Activate the virtual env
$ source pytest-env/bin/activate

# Install following modules
$ pip3 install pytest
$ pip3 install requests
$ pip3 install python-telegram-bot

# Run tests
$ pytest test.py 


Feel free to raise issues and send PRs. 😄

Made with ❤️ by Aashutosh Rathi