
Standard Algorithms

Primary LanguageC++

Build Status

Standards -- standard algorithms

  • config: standard configuration for CMake

  • numerical integration

    • simpson_1d - 1D Integration by Simpson rule
    • simpson_2d - 2D Integration by Simpson rule
  • log-sum-exp: basic arithmetic of huge (or tiny) numbers

    • exp_number
  • math: mathematical utilities

    • power2, power3, power4, power6 - integral power of a variable
  • integrator: initial value problem of ordinary differential equations

    • euler - Euler method
    • rk2 - 2nd order Runge-Kutta method
    • rk3 - 3nd order Runge-Kutta method
    • rk4 - 4nd order Runge-Kutta method
  • optimization:

    • bisection - find zero of 1D function by bisection method
    • golden_section - find (local) minimum of 1D function by golden-secion method
    • nelder_mead - find (local) minimum of arbitrary dimansional function by Nelder-Mead method
    • newton - Newton-Raphson method for finding zero of 1D and higher-D functions
    • mccormick - McCormick function
    • rastrigin - Rastrigin function
  • statics

    • accumulator - estimate central moments and cumulants of random samples
    • moment
    • histogram - basic histogram
    • bernoulli_distribution - Bernoulli distribution
    • normal_distribution - Normal distribution
  • timer: a simple timer class (similar to boost.timer)