This workflow contains scripts used in Dodge et al. (in review).
Computation for this project was conducted on the Artemis HPC machine at Syndey Uni and Pawsey Supercomputing Research Centre.
The following dependencies were used:
remove non-HiFi reads ccs.bam files for the skink
bamtools filter -in 359702_TSI_AGRF_DA149190.ccs.bam -out 359702_TSI_AGRF_DA149190.hifi.ccs.bam -tag "rq":">-0.99"
bamtools filter -in 359702_TSI_AGRF_DA149222.ccs.bam -out 359702_TSI_AGRF_DA149222.hifi.ccs.bam -tag "rq":">-0.99"
remove non-HiFi reads ccs.bam files for the gecko
bamtools filter -in 359703_TSI_AGRF_DA149208.ccs.bam -out 359703_TSI_AGRF_DA149208.hifi.ccs.bam -tag "rq":">-0.99"
bamtools filter -in 359703_TSI_AGRF_DA149210.ccs.bam -out 359703_TSI_AGRF_DA149210.hifi.ccs.bam -tag "rq":">-0.99"
bamtools filter -in 359703_TSI_AGRF_DA162797.ccs.bam -out 359703_TSI_AGRF_DA162797.hifi.ccs.bam -tag "rq":">-0.99"
filter out HiFi adapters in the skink hifi.ccs.bam
files. get fastq.gz
files as output
export PATH=$PATH:~/HiFiAdapterFilt/
export PATH=$PATH:~/HiFiAdapterFilt/DB
bash -t 32 -p 359702_TSI_AGRF_DA149222.hifi.ccs
bash -t 32 -p 359702_TSI_AGRF_DA149190.hifi.ccs
filter out HiFi adapters in the gecko hifi.ccs.bam
files. get fastq.gz
files as output
export PATH=$PATH:~/HiFiAdapterFilt/
export PATH=$PATH:~/HiFiAdapterFilt/DB
bash -t 32 -p 359703_TSI_AGRF_DA149208.hifi.ccs
bash -t 32 -p 359703_TSI_AGRF_DA149210.hifi.ccs
bash -t 32 -p 359703_TSI_AGRF_DA162797.hifi.ccs
assess HiFi read quality with nanoplot
#if fails, try downgrading seaborn
#conda install seaborn==0.10.1
NanoPlot --fastq 359702_TSI_AGRF_DA149190.hifi.ccs.filt.fastq.gz 359702_TSI_AGRF_DA149222.hifi.ccs.filt.fastq.gz -p 359702_TSI_AGRF_combined.hifi.ccs.filt.fastq.gz. -t 4
NanoPlot --fastq 359703_TSI_AGRF_DA149208.hifi.ccs.filt.fastq.gz 359703_TSI_AGRF_DA149210.hifi.ccs.filt.fastq.gz 359703_TSI_AGRF_DA162797.hifi.ccs.filt.fastq.gz -p 359703_TSI_AGRF_combined.hifi.ccs.filt.fastq.gz. -t 4
the basic hifiasm command looks like this hifiasm -o asm fq.gz
and gives several assembly graphs as output. several hifiasm parameters increase contiguity at the cost of runtime. from some testing, it appears how well each parameter performs will depend on features of each species' genome that are still unknown to me at present. after fairly extensive parameter testing, we settled on the following parameters for the skink and gecko below:
assemble skink genome increasing -k
and -r
hifiasm -t 32 -k 63 -r 5 -o cryege_V1.0.asm 359702_TSI_AGRF_DA149190.hifi.ccs.filt.fastq.gz 359702_TSI_AGRF_DA149222.hifi.ccs.filt.fastq.gz
awk '/^S/{print ">"$2;print $3}' cryege_V1.0.asm.bp.p_ctg.gfa > cryege_V1.0.asm.bp.p_ctg.fa
assemble gecko genome increasing -D
, -k
, -r
, --max-kocc
, -a
, -s
, -N
, and --hom-cov
hifiasm -t 32 -D 20 -k 63 -r 9 --max-kocc 10000 -a 6 -s 0.65 -N 300 --hom-cov 30 -o leplis_V1.0.asm 359703_TSI_AGRF_DA149208.hifi.ccs.filt.fastq.gz 359703_TSI_AGRF_DA149210.hifi.ccs.filt.fastq.gz 359703_TSI_AGRF_DA162797.hifi.ccs.filt.fastq.gz
awk '/^S/{print ">"$2;print $3}' leplis_V1.0.asm.bp.p_ctg.gfa > leplis_V1.0.asm.bp.p_ctg.fa
- modified from Arima mapping pipeline
- YaHS
first use the Arima mapping pipeline to map HiC reads to primary assembly generated with hifiasm
scaffold the genome with YaHS. input files are HiC.sortedName.bam
from the previous step and the contigs from hifiasm
yahs leplis_V1.0.asm.bp.p_ctg.fa leplis_HiC_408044_AusARG_BRF_HG5YLDMXY_S4_rep2.V1.0.SM.sortedName.bam -o leplis_V1.0_HiC
- YaHS
- samtools
- juicer_tools_1.19.02.jar
- Juicebox (optional for HiC contact map viewing/assembly editing)
generate HiC contact map using a combination of YaHS and juicer tools. more detailed instructions can be found on the YaHS github
samtools faidx leplis_V1.0.asm.bp.p_ctg.fa
samtools leplis_V1.0_HiC_scaffolds_final.fasta
cut -f1,2 leplis_V1.0_HiC_scaffolds_final.fasta.fai > leplis_V1.0_HiC_scaffolds_final.chrom.sizes
(yahs/juicer pre leplis_V1.0_HiC.bin leplis_V1.0_HiC_scaffolds_final.agp leplis_V1.0.asm.bp.p_ctg.fa.fai | /usr/bin/sort -k2,2d -k6,6d -T ./ -S64G --parallel=16 | awk 'NF' > alignments_sorted.txt.part) && (mv alignments_sorted.txt.part leplis_V1.0_HiC_alignments_sorted.txt)
(java -jar -Xmx32G juicer_tools_1.19.02.jar pre leplis_V1.0_HiC_alignments_sorted.txt leplis_V1.0_HiC_scaffolds_final.hic.part leplis_V1.0_HiC_scaffolds_final.chrom.sizes) && (mv leplis_V1.0_HiC_scaffolds_final.hic.part leplis_V1.0_HiC_scaffolds_final.hic)
the leplis_V1.0_HiC_scaffolds_final.hic can be loaded into JuiceBox or other software, but cannot be edited
the following steps create .hic
and .assembly
files that can be edited in JuiceBox
../yahs/juicer pre -a -o leplis_V1.0_HiC_out_JBAT leplis_V1.0_HiC.bin leplis_V1.0_HiC_scaffolds_final.agp leplis_V1.0.asm.bp.p_ctg.fa.fai > leplis_V1.0_HiC_out_JBAT_out_JBAT.log 2>&1
(java -jar -Xmx64G juicer_tools_1.19.02.jar pre leplis_V1.0_HiC_out_JBAT.txt leplis_V1.0_HiC_out_JBAT.hic.part <(cat leplis_V1.0_HiC_out_JBAT.log | grep PRE_C_SIZE | awk '{print $2" "$3}')) && (mv leplis_V1.0_HiC_out_JBAT.hic.part leplis_V1.0_HiC_out_JBAT.hic)
- [bbmap]
- [quast]
- BUSCO use bbmap and QUAST to evaluate assembly contiguity
~/bbmap/ $genome -Xmx40G #-Xmx40G increases java memory
~/quast/ $genome #many options with quast, especially in comparision to reference genome
perl ~/ $genome $list_num > $genome.NX.plot
use BUSCO to evaluate assembly completeness. for reptiles, vertebrata_odb10
and sauropsida_odb10
are both appropriate, but we chose vertebrata_odb_10
because these reptiles are from underrepresented clades and may both lack some BUSCOs for biological reasons. for the most accurate run, specify "-m geno" and "--long".
singularity exec busco_v5.3.2_cv1.sif busco -i $genome -l vertebrata_odb10 -o $genome\_busco_$ODB -m geno -c 16 --long --offline --download_path ./busco_downloads/
- [mitohifi]
- [seqkit]
MitoHiFi allows you to assemble the mito genome by either extracting it from the assembly or by assembling it from the raw reads. we did it from the raw reads. it should be noted that some PacBio HiFi library preps appear to lose the mitochondria for reasons that are unclear.
#download sequence for most related skink species (was Eutropis multifasciata - MT977075.1)
singularity exec mitohifi_2.2_cv1.sif --species "Cryptoblepharus egeriae" --outfolder . --min_length 16000
#convert fq reads to fa (required input)
seqkit fq2fa 359702_TSI_AGRF_DA149190.hifi.ccs.filt.fastq.gz 359702_TSI_AGRF_DA149222.hifi.ccs.filt.fastq.gz -o 359702_TSI_AGRF_combined.hifi.ccs.filt.fasta
singularity exec mitohifi_2.2_cv1.sif -r 359702_TSI_AGRF_combined.hifi.ccs.filt.fasta -f MT977075.1.fasta -g -t 6 -o 1
#download sequence for most related gecko species (was Lepidodactylus lugubris - AB738945.1)
singularity exec mitohifi_2.2_cv1.sif --species "Lepidodactylus listeri" --outfolder . --min_length 16000
#convert fq reads to fa (required input)
seqkit fq2fa 359703_TSI_AGRF_DA149208.hifi.ccs.filt.fastq.gz 359703_TSI_AGRF_DA149210.hifi.ccs.filt.fastq.gz 359703_TSI_AGRF_DA162797.hifi.ccs.filt.fastq.gz -o 359703_TSI_AGRF_combined.hifi.ccs.filt.fasta
singularity exec mitohifi_2.2_cv1.sif -r 359703_TSI_AGRF_combined.hifi.ccs.filt.fasta -f AB738945.1.fasta -g -t 6 -o 1