
Node.js Twitter Arduino app

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript

###Local Setup

$ npm install

$ npm install -g coffee-script

$ npm install -g supervisor

$ brew install redis


$ /path/to/redis/redis-server

$ supervisor app/server.coffee

##Tests $ npm install -g jasmine-node

$ cake test

##Project Notes and To Dos $ cake notes

##Offline Mode Restart the app before 9am and after 5pm to switch between on/offline modes

Tech Inventory

###Client-side - Moved from jQuery to Zepto, reducing total package size from ~180k to ~70k - Underscore.js for utility and templating - Socket.io for websocket messaging - Jade for view rendering - Stylus for style preprocessing - CoffeeScript

###Server-side - Express Web Server - Stitch middleware for javascript bundling - Stylus middleware for stylesheet bundling

- App Server
  - Job queue with Kue + Redis
  - Env vars managed with nconf
  - State restoration with node-request /stats
  - Twitter stream with ntwitter

- Logging with winston
- Documentation with docco
- Tests with Jasmine