
:no_entry: Chrome Extension to get around pay/user walls

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Pay walls and user gates are a bummer when you want to quickly scan your garbage article.

Entice me to pay for your content with quality content instead of bullshit DOM annoyances.

This removes these DOM annoyances for a select few websites that I commonly find myself clicking back because I'd rather not sign up or pay just to read something.

Supported Walls

  • Quora
  • LinkedIn
  • Wall Street Journal


I might try publishing this to the google store one day, but for now, just clone this repo somewhere safe, browse to chrome://extensions in Chrome and click the button to load a custom extension:

Load unpacked extension...

Set the path to wherever you cloned this repo and you should be good to go.


Please submit new wall support for other annoyances you may come across. The more the merrier - no hack is too hacky in the name of open content.