#PheedBack App
PhoneGap day demo application that allows the users to participate in a survey using his/her mobile phone. The user signs in using his/her FaceBook account and provides ratings to the questions by moving the phone.
Once you sign in using your FB Account, the application presents the user with a series of questions on a stack of cards. The user tilts the phone left/right to rate the questions. To flip to the next question, the user swipwes the card with his fingers and to submit the feedback, the user simply shakes the phone.
- Git Clone the workspace
- At the root, type "npm install"
- At the root, install the following plugins -
- cordova-plugin-whitelist
- cordova-plugin-inappbrowser
- cordova-plugin-device-motion
- cordova-plugin-hockeyapp
- de.appplant.cordova.plugin.local-notification
Once you enlist or sync to the git repo, remove all the previously added platforms and re-add them. This will also add the plugins since they are saved into the config.xml. Now add the platform and build using Cordova, Ionic or TACO CLI as,
cordova/ionic/taco build/run/emulate [platform]
The app can be tested by running
gulp [test]
which runs the unit tests defined at /tests/unit.
To perform end to end layout testing, you would need to install the following pre-requisites
- Appium (npm install -g appium)
- Web-Driver (npm install -g wd)
Once, installed you can run the UI tests running on the emulator/device.
First run appium server,
$ appium
Run the actual tests, by running protractor from the root of the project, as
$ node_modules/protractor/bin/protractor tests/protractorlocal.config.js