
A simple db backed postbin for self hosting reliable postbins

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A simple postbin for self-hosting reliable long-term postbins

This should give you everything you need to access a database with a JSON API you can login against and get a token for. The user will be siteadmin with password ChangeMe! which you should definitely change of course.

Set things up

Create the database using your favorite method using the following commands as a basis for what you're doing. If you just run these as a db superuser these will work from the commandline assuming you're in the pyrapostbin root.

createdb pyrapostbin
createdb pyrapostbintest
createuser dbuser
psql -d pyrapostbin -c "alter user dbuser with encrypted password 'dbpass'"
psql -d pyrapostbin -c "grant all privileges on database pyrapostbin to user 'dbuser'"
psql -d pyrapostbin -c "grant all privileges on database pyrapostbintest to user 'dbuser'"
psql -d pyrapostbin -a -f pyrapostbin-appsrv/db/schema.sql
psql -d pyrapostbintest -a -f pyrapostbin-appsrv/db/schema.sql
psql -d pyrapostbin -c "insert into users (username, email, password, salt) values ('siteadmin', 'fake@example.com', '', '')"

In the appsrv directory, if you haven't already got pyramid and the other bits, do a pip -r requirements.txt and then pserve --reload development.ini which will get the API server running on 6543 or http://localhost:6543/app/ should get that running.

Frontend dev will be different of course. You should then go into the static directory and do an npm install and npm build, and if you want to run the react server thing, npm start and you can start cracking on whatever!
