
My Homebrew packages => http://brew.sh/


My Homebrew packages => http://brew.sh/

Run the following

# confirm installation of xcode command line tools
xcode-select --install

# homebrew
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
brew doctor
brew update

# cask
brew tap caskroom/cask

# prerequsites
brew install openssl

# useful tools
brew install wget

# zsh
brew install zsh zsh-completions
# TODO: Explain configuration...

# git
brew install git
git config --global user.name "Tod Thomson"
git config --global user.email "todthomson@?"
git config --global credential.helper osxkeychain
git config --global push.default simple

# node (via nvm)
brew install nvm # and add as instructed to ~/.zshrc
nvm install 5.5.0

# python 2.x (via pyenv)
brew install pyenv pyenv-virtualenv
pyenv install 2.7.11
pyenv rehash
pyenv global 2.7.11
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install grip

# ruby (via rvm)
# TODO: ...