
Regression test suite for Icarus Verilog.

Primary LanguageVerilogGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

# Main test script

There are a group of tests that are meant to exercise the compiler
and the run time. To run them just type:



perl vvp_reg.pl

or if perl is located in /usr/bin


The output from these tests are displayed on the screen
and are also placed in the regression_report.txt file.
The expected output for the current development release
is located in the regression_report-devel.txt file. The
expected output for stable (released) versions can be
found in files named regression_report-v<version>.txt.

The results from individual tests can be found in the
log directory and gold files, when needed, are in the
gold directory. The source files can be found in the
ivltests and contrib directories. The list of tests
and how they are run is in the regress.list file.

To check a specific suffixed version of Icarus Verilog
use the --suffix=<suffix> flag to tell the script which
version to run e.g.(--suffix=-0.9 will test iverilog-0.9,
etc.). You can also run the test with valgrind (very very
slow) by giving the script the --with-valgrind flag.

# VPI test script

To test the VPI interface type:

perl vpi_reg.pl

or if perl is located in /usr/bin


All these tests should pass for V0.10.devel and V0.9.?.
V0.8.? is expected to fail for realtime (64 bit time
issue) and memmon (no full array call backs).

The individual test results are found in the vpi_log
directory and the gold files are in the vpi_gold
directory. The source files are in the vpi directory.
The vpi_regress.list file has the tests to perform.

This script also takes the --suffix=<suffix> and the
--with-valgrind flags described above.

# VHDL test script

This test script require that ghdl be installed in your
path and is used to test the Verilog to VHDL translation.

perl vhdl_reg.pl

or if perl is located in /usr/bin


The expected output for V0.10.devel and V0.9 is located
in the vhdl_regression_report-devel.txt file. V0.8 does
not support converting Verilog to VHDL.

This script also takes the --suffix=<suffix> and the
--with-valgrind flags described above.

# BLIF test script

This test script require that abc be installed in your
path and is used to test the Verilog to VHDL translation.

python blif_reg.py

There is no expected output as of yet so to check for
regressions simply run with and without your patches.

# Windows (MinGW) test issues

Running under Windows (using a MinGW build) the following tests are
expected to fail:

pr1699519       - MinGW has three digit exponents.
pr1873372       - MinGW has three digit exponents
pr2509349a      - MinGW cannot find /tmp
pr2590274a      - MinGW has three digit exponents
pr2590274b      - MinGW has three digit exponents
pr2590274c      - MinGW has three digit exponents
sformatf        - MinGW has three digit exponents
swrite          - MinGW has three digit exponents
test_va_math    - MinGW has three digit exponents
test_vams_math  - MinGW has three digit exponents

pr723  - MinGW has some fd problems that need to be investigated.

v0.9 hasn't been updated to use the MinGW ANSI stdio functions, so
has the following additional failures:

ca_time         - %#g of 0.0 gives six decimal digits
delayed_sfunc   - %#g of 0.0 gives six decimal digits
pr1703120       - integer infinity and infinity display
pr1752823a      - missing -0
pr1752823b      - infinity display, missing -0
pr1864115       - %#g of 0.0 gives six decimal digits
test_va_math    - infinity and NaN display, missing -0
test_vams_math  - infinity and NaN display, missing -0

All of these issues produce something that humans should recognize
as correct results (-0 == 0, extra digits, out of order text, etc.).

It is reported that the -0 problem is fixed in Windows 7 so pr1752823a
will pass and pr1752823b, test_va_math and test_vams_math only have the
other listed issues.