
BMW is a BepInEx patcher which takes care of migrating a user from MelonLoader to BepInEx.

Primary LanguageC#GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

Tobey's BepInEx MelonLoader Wizard 🧙‍♂️

BMW is a BepInEx patcher which takes care of migrating a user from MelonLoader to BepInEx.

Intended for use in conjunction with BepInEx.MelonLoader.Loader.


  • Detects MelonLoader mod files located in the Mods, Plugins etc. folders, and prompts the user to move them to the appropriate MLLoader subfolders.
  • Detects core files and folders left behind by MelonLoader, and prompts the user to delete them.
  • Detects MelonLoader installed on top of an existing BepInEx & BepInEx.MelonLoader.Loader installation and prompts the user to uninstall it.


BMW is intended to be included alongside the BepInEx 5 build of BepInEx.MelonLoader.Loader, e.g. as part of a BepInEx pack for games where both MelonLoader and BepInEx mods are in use by the community.

In this scenario, it is recommended to ship a copy of BepInEx's winhttp.dll renamed to version.dll, so that when a user installs your BepInEx pack after having already installed MelonLoader, the default MelonLoader proxy assembly will be replaced with the UnityDoorstop proxy from BepInEx, enabling BepInEx & BMW to load instead of MelonLoader.


  • Native Unix games are not currently supported:
    BMW's prompts rely on Win32 API calls to display message boxes, and as such will only work with Windows games - though it should work fine for Unix users when running a Windows game through Windows emulators such as Proton, Wine etc.

  • Only BepInEx 5 is supported.