
This repository contains the material for the workshop held at ETH (Zürich) on the 22nd January 2020.

Deep Learning meets (Astro)physics

Organizers: Timothy Gebhard (timothy.gebhard@tuebingen.mpg.de) Prof. Dr. S. Quanz (Homepage) Umberto Michelucci (umberto.michelucci@toelt.ai)

This repository contains the material for the workshop held at ETH (Zürich) on the 22nd January 2020.

Sources and Books

The material is based on the two books:

Applied Deep Learning - A Case-Based Approach to Understanding Deep Neural Networks By Umberto Michelucci -- Book webpage

Advanced Applied Deep Learning - Convolutional Neural Networks and Object Detection By Umberto Michelucci -- Book webpage

The material shown in the slides can be found in the two books with much more details and explanation.


Slides are available as google slides and can be accessed at the following links

Chalk Talk Neural Networks: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1MyUj3224opjqwJF1P40EUuRjcQIsgRMApWtWUeqP4b8/edit?usp=sharing

Introduction to TensorFlow 2.0: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/14SnqX70ZDwwP_texk3r2wJMBLWW3ZaiQolQo8KoHtxs/edit?usp=sharing

Advanced Topics: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1kn6pKhGxydb3_mos5ksQ4uGBj0S5b9Tdzvf1MbJV6X8/edit?usp=sharing

Chalk Talk Convolutional Neural Networks: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1nWEzUPHgouG8c0uY_CSLMhsqfP84QDFdmTeR_0EaeSI/edit?usp=sharing

(C) 2020 Umberto Michelucci, www.toelt.ai

Hands-on Notebooks

All the hands-on Jupyter notebooks can be run on Google Colab, so no need to install anything locally on your laptop. Simply click on the links below and try the notebooks.

First Fully Connected Network with Keras: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1TH8CPLwHeYZ5Fd-BLYm9NCeDYcqvSDa6

First example of CNN with Keras: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1JMadgcCdcvpvfxH2eWnYnu99R-uW6qUg

Image classification with TF Hub: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1pDmpZrGQuymnLkE_eTE-CHtjb39mQ5QB

Keras functional API with TF 2.0: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1xZxbHAzbr53OxFcHMAjOZlfv7_jyntzy

MNIST Classification with TF2.0: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/14OoNrvzPQhWiKBMr60Ab8soavE9NATIp

Pre-trained models with Keras: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1oTdXeEriPdSVFC5v0qjEhbIEJP_zszXg

Transfer Learning with Keras: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1XRcr2v2HFD8AV5GFNP0fxutHtqGdV61a

Neural Style Transfer with Keras: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/11Cc3oyFRefWToDq021SkSOI7JA24KfMU