
This repository contains the material for the CNN training given at the O'Reilly AI Conference in London in 2019.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Training Material for "Convolutional Neural Networks for image recognition in Keras and Tensorflow"

O'reilly AI Conference London 2019

license MIT

Training PAGE on conference website



All the slides can be found in Google Slides. Feel free to share them (but please attribution would be nice).

Day 1 Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1jMTjgEtjl5o6bBPmlxi5gVgXoOx2jdLr49SsPSyU4sk/edit?usp=sharing

Day 2 Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1nWEzUPHgouG8c0uY_CSLMhsqfP84QDFdmTeR_0EaeSI/edit?usp=sharing


Monday, 14th Oct & Tuesday, 15th Oct, 9:00-17:00


Hilton Meeting Room 3/4

Trainer and contact

Umberto Michelucci umberto.michelucci@toelt.ai

Founder and Chief AI Scientist @ TOELT LLC

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/umbertomichelucci/

Website: www.toelt.ai

Reference and reading material

You can check the following list


of books on neural networks, deep learning, TensorFlow, Keras and Python.