
This repository contains the material for the tutorial for the ICAART 2021 Conference.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

ICAART 2021 Conference - Neural Networks and Keras Tutorial by Michelucci Umberto


This repository contains the material for the tutorial for the ICAART 2021 Conference. This tutorial will take place on the 4th of February 2021 at 16:15-18:15 (Zürich Time). In case of any question you can reach me at umberto.michelucci@toelt.ai (www.toelt.ai) any time. Our latest publications can be found HERE.

The program can be found AT THIS LINK.

Lecture Slides



In this folder you will find examples in form of Jupyter Notebooks. You don't need to install anything locally on your computer to try them out. Simply click on the link below, and they will open in Google Colab (What is google colab). During the tutorial I will briefly cover what is google colab.

Classification with Keras

Your first Network with keras

For those of you a bit more advanced, here is a notebook where you can play with your first autoencoder

Your first Autoencoder with keras


In the file Introduction_to_Jupyter_Colab_GitHub.pdf that you can find in this folder, you can find a very good introduction to Google Colab and what are Jupyter notebooks by Michela Sperti.

Neural Networks Lectures and Material

Tensorflow 2.0 GitHub Repository

  • A Github repository (by Umberto Michelucci) on how to approach TensorFlow 2.X. Here you can find how to study it, various examples and code that you can study and try yourself.

    Notes on TensorFlow 2.0 - GitHub Repository

Kera Introducton

  • In this presentation you can find the most important features of keras, the library now part of TensorFlow to build, develop and train neural networks. This is the library that we have used in all the examples.

    Quick Introduction to Keras

Convolutional Neural Networks

This GitHub Repository contains the two days workshop I held in London at the O'Reilly Conference on Convolutional Neural Network. There is lots of material (basic and advanced) for you to check out.


The material is (C) 2021 of Umberto Michelucci, co-founder and chief AI Scientist www.toelt.ai.