
Web app consuming Play logs and displaying stats

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

#Spring-xd Hackhaton

Download spring xd http://repo.spring.io/simple/libs-milestone-local/org/springframework/xd/spring-xd/1.0.0.M4/spring-xd-1.0.0.M4-dist.zip

Unzip it and then create an environment variable: XD_HOME pointing to the directory where you unzipped it.


$ xd/bin/xd-singlenode

In another console run $ shell/bin/xd-shell

Our application is generating logs like

{"action": "controllers.navigation.RemoteAssets.at" ,"path": "/assets/nav/1401921699948/images/red_header.jpg" ,"time": 4 , "status": 304}

We creating a stream from the application log file only keeping lines that are jsons:

stream create --name playlogs --definition "tail --name=/tmp/xd/input/application.log | filter --expression=payload.startsWith('{') |log" --deploy

Then we created a stream to count the number of time each http status code the application returned:

stream create --name httpStatusCode --definition "tap:stream:playlogs.filter > field-value-counter --fieldName=status" --deploy

We have done the same to count the frequency each url is being used

stream create --name mostUsedUrl --definition "tap:stream:playlogs.filter > field-value-counter --fieldName=path" --deploy

We played a bit with the application and could find the results:

At url http://localhost:9393/metrics/field-value-counters/mostUsedUrl

	"name": "mostUsedUrl",
	"links": [
		"rel": "self",
		"href": "http://localhost:9393/metrics/field-value-counters/mostUsedUrl"
	"counts": {
		"/fruit/1": 1,
		"/reports/supplier": 1,
		"/home": 4,
		"/fruits": 1,
		"/fruits/list": 3,
		"/suplier/list": 1,
		"/supliers": 1,
		"/supliers/autocomplete": 2

At url http://localhost:9393/metrics/field-value-counters/httpStatusCode

	"name": "httpStatusCode",
	"links": [
		"rel": "self",
		"href": "http://localhost:9393/metrics/field-value-counters/httpStatusCode"
	"counts": {
		"200": 12,
		"303": 2

The problem spring-xd currently have is that it simply kill the streams when any bad event occur. Any json parsing error will kill the stream trying to parse and the stream being parsed. No logs tell it, so we had to discover it the hard way.