
Yet another taskwarrior web wrapper

Primary LanguagePython


TaskW is yet another taskwarrior web wrapper. It displays a convenient web UI above a local taskwarrior folder that can easily manipulated from any web browser (desktop or mobile).


  • List all pending tasks
  • Easily edit a task in its main characteristics
  • List all projects and their pending tasks
  • Search by tags
  • Can synchronize with a remote taskwarrior-server (see documentation)
  • Is mobile friendly

Getting started


With docker-compose (recommended)

$ sudo docker-compose build taskw
$ sudo docker-compose up -d taskw

Or with docker cli

$ sudo docker build -t taskw:latest .
$ sudo docker run -p 80:80 taskw:latest


Configuration is split in 2, a taskrc file to configure taskwarrior and a taskw.toml file to configure the taskw web app. The distinction between the 2 can be blurry that's why it is recommended to start from the given examples.

$ $EDITOR taskrc taskw.toml
$ # re-deploy and use the configuration
$ sudo docker run -p 80:80 -v $PWD/taskrc:/home/app:ro -v $PWD/taskw.toml:/home/app:ro taskw:latest


Can I sync my local taskwarrior client with it?

No. TaskW is a frontend to a taskwarrior client, not a taskwarrior server. If you want to synchronize several clients you must deploy a taskwarrior server by yourself.

   LAPTOP / PC                                 SERVER
┌─  ──  ──  ──  ─┐           ┌─  ──  ──  ──  ──  ──  ──  ──  ──  ──  ──  ──  ──  ──  ─┐
  ┌───────────┐      HTTP       ┌───────┐     ┌───────────┐           ┌─────────────┐
│ │  browser  ├──┼───────────┼──┤ TaskW ├─────┤ TASKDATA  │           │             │ │
  └───────────┘                 └───────┘     ├─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─┤ TASK SYNC │ taskwarrior │
│ ┌───────────┐  │           │                │ task CLI  ├───────────┤             │ │
  │ TASKDATA  │                               └───────────┘           │   server    │
│ ├─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─┤  │ TASK SYNC │                                        │             │ │
  │ task CLI  ├───────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤             │
│ └───────────┘  │           │                                        └─────────────┘ │
└─  ──  ──  ──  ─┘           └─  ──  ──  ──  ──  ──  ──  ──  ──  ──  ──  ──  ──  ──  ─┘

Doesn't TaskW looks a bit like taskwarrior-web?

It definitely does. I've mostly tried to reproduce taskwarrior-web's UX in TaskW. I also added 2 features that were not in taskwarrior-web, TaskW lets you filter tasks by tags and can force a sync with a taskwarrior server. However, TaskW does not let you sort tasks, what taskwarrior-web does.

Why not contribute to taskwarrior-web instead?

Because taskwarrior-web is developed in Ruby and jquery both of which I'm absolutely not comfortable with. On the other hand TaskW is developed in python and htmx.

Is TaskW good?

It is good enough for me and hopefully for you too.