

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0



In machine learning logistic regression is a statistical model that takes the dot product of real valued inputs, x_i and model parameters, \theta to produce a binary classification, i.e. assign a class label y. The model, also referred to as the hypothesis h, gives the probability an example x_i having yis1. A value x_i can be classified using:



h(x_i,\theta) = \frac{1}{1+e^{-x_i\theta^T}}

The hypothesis function h is the linear combination of x_i and \theta used as the input to the sigmoid function:

\sigma (t) = \frac{1}{1+e^{-t}}

The sigmoid function has a smooth monotonically increasing value approaching 1 from 0, which makes it suitable for modelling a probability (in this case that the class label is 1, i.e. P(y=1 \mid x; \theta).


The goal of logistic regression is to find a theta which classifies the examples in the training set with the minimal amount of error. The error is modelled by a "cost" function that represents the difference between the labels from the training data set, and the classification of the training data given h(x,\theta). The error function for the training set of m examples is:


One simple cost function is taking the sum of squared difference between y and h(x_i,\theta) (the function used in least squares regression). It turns out is not that helpful as the the exponential terms in h mean that a cost function would be non-convex (have many local minima). If the cost function is convex, it will have only a single minima meaning is amenable to gradient descent (i.e. not require meta-heuristics such as simulated annealing etc). The cost function used in logistic regression where h is the sigmoid function is:

cost function

When you take the partial derivative of the cost function with respect to \theta (a bit beyond my calculus), you get an update function which is amenable to gradient descent i.e. allows you to "walk down" the gradient of the convex cost function to find the minima. The update function for each dimension of the data j is:


The alpha term is a learning rate and determines the "step-size", i.e. how quickly the algorithm moves down the gradient. In languages that support vectorization all j elements of theta may be updated in a single operation. This gradient descent process is repeated either a fixed number of times, or according to some other termination criteria e.g. accuracy achieved, or limited improvement in consecutive iterations. This update function is considered a "batch" optimization as the full set of training updates is evaluated for a single update to \theta, i.e. m operations are required to compute the sum for a step down the gradient of the cost function.

Other update functions use less updates, play tricks with the size of alpha etc, one common approach is stochastic gradient descent(SGD). SGD takes a single training example at a time when computing the gradient before updating \theta. This can give a seemingly chaotic descent when minimizing the cost function, moves can be made in the wrong direction, however because SGD uses only a single evaluation of h(x,\theta) to make a move it can converge faster than batch gradient descent. This project includes an SGD implementation which can be configured, see below.

The final value of \theta can be used to evaluate how well the classifier works with the training set. A classifier may be more thoroughly evaluated using cross validation, different subsets of the universal data set are used as the training set, and test test.

Implementation Notes

It is common practice to normalize the data before running the logistic regression, and other ML algorithms. This allows each attribute to be plotted on the same axis, whether it be a scatter plot, or a histogram. It also has one additional benefit in that it seems to limit the likelihood of having overflow errors when the dot product of x_i and \theta are large. The limits will vary across computing platforms (languages etc), and data sets, however fixed precision will mean there are values that cause overflow/underflow in the logit function. For example, without normalization the Wisconsin breast cancer data will overflow when theta = (-10.25, 171.78, -57.99, -57.60, -22.20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), and x_i = (1, 1.0, 6.0, 8.0, 10.0, 8.0, 10.0, 5.0, 7.0, 1.0) on my platform (Python 3.6.2 v3.6.2:5fd33b5 32 bit Intel on win32). There are some improvements that can be made to make this code more robust, such as those outlined here. However normalizing the wisconsin data on my platform was sufficient to avoid overflow in the logistic function.

def logistic(x):
    logit = 1 / (1 + math.exp(-x))
    if 1.0 == logit:
        return logit - sys.float_info.epsilon
    if 0.0 == logit:
        return sys.float_info.epsilon
    return logit

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Program Files\JetBrains\PyCharm Community Edition 2017.2.3\helpers\pydev\_pydevd_bundle\pydevd_exec2.py", line 3, in Exec
    exec(exp, global_vars, local_vars)
  File "<input>", line 1, in <module>
OverflowError: math range error

One change that I made to the logistic function, again related to float precision, is to avoid the function returning either 1, or 0. Values of 1, and 0 imply a +/- infty input, this is incorrect, and can lead to divide by zeros elsewhere in the code.


Why not use SciPy?

The objective of this work is to build a pure python implementation for the purposes of learning, and helping others learn the logistic regression algorithm. Interested readers with only minimal python experience will be able to read, and step over this code without the added complexity of a library such as SciPy. It is not by any means intended for production use :)

Running the code


  • python 3.6.3
  • matplotlib 2.1.1 - see here for installation instructions.


Run the code with the python runtime:

python logregression.py ./resources/<config.cfg>

Where config.cfg is a plain text configuration file. The format of the config file is a python dict with the following fields:


   'data_file' : '\\resources\\2d_1.csv',
   'data_project_columns' : ['x1', 'x2'],
   'class_label_col' : ['y'],
   'class_label_mapping' : {1 : 1, 0 : 0},
   'data_prep_func' : 'unit_normalize',
   'learning_rate' : 0.025,
   'plot_func' : 'plot_simple_two_dimensional',
   'gradient_descent_func' : 'stochastic_gradient_descent',
   'plot_config' : {'colors' : {1 : 'green', 0: 'red'},
                    'x-axis-att' : 'x1',
                    'y-axis-att' : 'x2',
                    'output_file_prefix' : '2d_1' }

You have to specify:

  • a csv data file;
  • which columns of data to project;
  • which column specifies the class label;
  • how to map the class label to the binary classification {0,1};
  • learning rate, the adaptation speed of the batch gradient descent;
  • function that can plot data once logistic regression has been completed;
  • function that can be used for gradient descent (batch, or stochastic);
  • plot config is passed to the plot func specified.


Basic 2D 1 and Basic 2D 2

I generated some simple two dimensional data that was linearly seperable (see 2d_1.config and 2d_2.config in the resources directory) to test the implementation. The following two plots show:

  • in the left subplot the data where red/green are the data points of the two classes, the blue line is the linear seperation according to theta (i.e. where h(x_i,\theta) = 0.5;
  • in the middle subplot the value of jtheta;
  • and in the right subplot the accuracy of h(x_i,\theta) over the training set.

results results

Wisconsin Breast Cancer Data (Original)

The wisconsin breast cancer data set is a well known data set in the machine learning literature, and has been used by several authors when evaluating a logistic regression. In hindsight this data set is not particularly suited to logistic regression (the values in the data are more ordinal in nature, and not real values).

The results presented here show the data scaled using the min/max scheme in a histogram for each dimension, and a scatter plot for each pair of dimensions. In the scatter plot red/green dots show the two class labels, and the relative saturation of the data point gives some idea of frequency. The accuracy plot shows results from data that was scaled using z-score like approach to scaling, see here for more details on feature scaling. results_wd results_a


  • Regularization;
  • Multi-class;
  • Non linear co-efficients, i.e. raising elements of x to powers >1;
  • k-fold cross validation.