
Calculation of scattering and extinction cross section of spherical nanoparticles of different materials with GUI for MATLAB. Mode decomposition presents.

Primary LanguageMATLAB

Mie Calculator

What is it?

There two MATLAB toolboxes:

  1. MieCalc.mlapp — calculation of the cross sections (scattering and extinction) of nanoparticles of different materials (Au, Ag, Cu, Si). Calculations are based on the Mie scattering theory (e.g. Absorption and scattering of light by small particles by Bohren & Huffman).
  2. SkinDepth.mlapp— Skin depth calculator based on data from refractiveindex.info.

This is a part of the support software for the course Plasmonics: From Fundamentals to Modern Applications on the edx.org platform.

How to open it

To launch the app just open the 'MieCalc.mlapp' file in MATLAB. This is a MATLAB GUI app created by the App Designer. Should work with MATLAB 2016b or higher.

If you have any comment or suggestions please feel free to contact me.


by Ivan Toftul
