A powershell module for generating random passwords
Install-Module PSRandomPassword
Get-RandomPassword [[-Count] ] [[-Type] ] [[-Length] ] [[-Digits] ] [[-Seed] ] [[-JsonFile] ] [-Lower] [-Upper] [-GenerateJson]
It looks for "randompassword.json" in the same folder and if it exists it'll load the strings in that file instead of using
the hardcoded strings.
basic json file structure:
"digits" : 3,
"first" : [
"second" : [
"symbols" : [
"passwordtypes" : [
{"standard" : "[Word1][Word2][0-9]{3}[symbol]"},
{"o365" : "[CONSONANT][vowel][consonant][0-9]{5}"},
{"gibberish" : "[random]{length}"}
Usage: Get-RandomPassword [-Count count] [-Seed seed] [-JsonFile jsonfile] [[-Type type] [-Length length] | [[-Lower] | [-Upper]] [-Digits count] | [-GenerateJson]]
-Count count Number of passwords to generate.
-Type type Types: standard, o365, gibberish, custom.
O365 password (3 letters 5 numbers).
Gibberish password (Random characters).
Custom password (similar to regex use Get-Help Get-RandomPassword -full for further help).
(Custom types can be added/removed/edited in a JSON file by generating a JSON file using
-Length length Length of gibberish password and the Length variable used in {length}.
-Lower Passwords to be all lowercase.
-Upper Passwords to be all uppercase.
-Digits count Digit count in password. (100 limit).
-Seed seed RNG Seed. Uses time by default.
-JsonFile file Specify a JSON file to use instead of the default "randompassword.json".
-GenerateJson Generates a default JSON file.
Custom password:
Custom password allows you to specify a random password based on specified expression.
Similar to regular expressions.
Usage: Get-RandomPassword -Type custom "EXPR"
[x-x] Range of characters e.g. [0-9],[a-z],[a-Z].
[x] Type of characters e.g. [vowel],[consonant],[symbol].
[VOWEL] and [CONSONANT] will produce an uppercase character.
[word1] Random word from first array. word1 will produce an lowercase word
WORD1 an uppercase word and Word1 a propercase word.
[word2] Random word from first array. word2 will produce an lowercase word
WORD2 an uppercase word and Word2 a propercase word.
[random] A random character.
x literial character e.g. abc
{x} Character count of range e.g. {3}.
{digits} Character count set to digits value in JSON or if specified with -Digits.
{length} Character count set to length specified with -Length.
Example: Get-RandomPassword -Type custom:"[symbol][a-z]{4}[A-Z]{3}[0-9]{2}-[a-Z]{4}[symbol][symbol]"
Could generate a password of: !efyrEKS48-GHsR?!
Return 1 password:
Return 100 passwords:
Get-RandomPassword -Count 100
Return 10 passwords in lowercase:
Get-RandomPassword -Count 10 -Lower
Return 10 passwords with no digits:
Get-RandomPassword -Count 10 -Digits 0
Return office 365 password format:
Get-RandomPassword -Type o365
Return gibberish password 16 in length:
Get-RandomPassword -Type gibberish -Length 16