
Simple command line password generator with 4 password types. Standard, o365, gibberish and custom. Words can be loaded from an external JSON file.

Primary LanguageC++


Random Password

A basic command line random password generator

It looks for "randompassword.json" in the same folder and if it exists it'll load the strings in that file instead of using
the hardcoded strings.

basic json file structure:
    "digits" : 3,
    "first" : [
    "second" : [
    "symbols" : [

Usage: randompassword [-n count] [-s seed] [-j jsonfile] [[-t type] [-l length] | [-lower] [-d count] | [-generatejson]]

    -n count          Number of passwords to generate.
    -t type           Types: standard, o365, gibberish, custom.
                      O365 password (3 letters 5 numbers).
                      Gibberish password (Random characters).
                      Custom password (similar to regex use -? custom for further help).
                      (this switch will cause -lower and -d switches to be ignored).
    -l length         Length of gibberish password.
    -lower            Passwords to be all lowercase.
    -d count          Digit count in password. (6 limit).
    -s seed           RNG Seed. Uses time by default.
    -j jsonfile       Specify a JSON file to use instead of the default "randompassword.json".
    -generatejson     Generates a default JSON file.

Custom password:
    Custom password allows you to specify a random password based on specified expression.
    Similar to regular expressions. This type ignores length, lower and d switches.

    Usage: randompassword -t custom "EXPR"
        [x-x]        Range of characters e.g. [0-9],[a-z],[a-Z].
        [x]          Type of characters e.g. [vowel],[consonant],[symbol].
                     [VOWEL] and [CONSONANT] will produce an uppercase character.
        [word1]      Random word from first array. word1 will produce an lowercase word
                     WORD1 an uppercase word and Word1 a propercase word.
        [word2]      Random word from first array. word2 will produce an lowercase word
                     WORD2 an uppercase word and Word2 a propercase word.
        x            literial character e.g. abc
        {x}          Character count of range e.g. {3}.

    Example: randompassword -t custom "[symbol][a-z]{4}[A-Z]{3}[0-9]{2}-[a-Z]{4}[symbol]{2}"
             Could generate a password of: !efyrEKS48-GHsR?!

Return 1 password:

Return 100 passwords:
    randompassword -n 100
Return 10 passwords in lowercase:
    randompassword -n 10 -lower
Return 10 passwords with no digits:
    randompassword -n 10 -d 0
Return office 365 password format:
    randompassword -t o365
Return gibberish password 16 in length:
    randompassword -t gibberish -l 16