Tools for running computer-based studies. Originally created for Animal Charity Evaluators by Tom Ash and then extended by Ben West.
Described at and . Created for the following design brief:
Note, we need software that can operate independent of internet access.
On the e-mail entry page, there will be text saying the following: “The group running this event is generously helping a nonprofit organization called Earth Trends, which would like to send a one-time survey to the e-mail address you are entering. Completing this survey will earn you a chance to win $200 cash in a raffle.” Obviously these email addresses need to be stored somewhere. On the desktop, perhaps.
One of two videos will start after participant enters email address. In no way let the participant know there are two videos. Under no condition may participant know that they are involved in a research study (this will bias the participant to expect a follow-up email checking on his/her eating habits).
To advance the computer screen for the next participant, the researcher clicks one of four buttons: 0 (normal) if: Participant was normal. Notes not required. 1 (biased) if: Participant came to event with prior knowledge of video being shown AND/OR who expressed interest in seeing the actual (non-placebo) video such that the researchers overrode the computer to allow that video to play 2 (distracted) if: Participant was noticeably distracted when viewing the video AND/OR left video before finishing it 3 (disqualification) if: Participant somehow learns that there is a “placebo” video meant to be used as a comparison for a study on video outreach effectiveness AND/OR technical difficulties interrupt or disallow screening of the video AND/OR other unexpected but clearly disqualifying events