
Cloud Spanner Change Streams Subscriber for Go

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Test Go Reference

Cloud Spanner Change Streams Subscriber for Go


This library is an implementation to subscribe a change stream's records of Google Cloud Spanner in Go. It is heavily inspired by the SpannerIO connector of the Apache Beam SDK and is compatible with the PartitionMetadata data model.


To read a change streams, Google Cloud offers Dataflow connector as a scalable and reliable solution, but in some cases the abstraction and capabilities of Dataflow pipelines can be too much (or is simply too expensive). For more flexibility, use the change stream API directly, but it is a bit complex. This library aims to make reading change streams more flexible and casual, while maintaining an easily transition to the use of Dataflow connectors as needed.

Example Usage

package main

import (


func main() {
	ctx, stop := signal.NotifyContext(context.Background(), os.Interrupt, os.Kill)
	defer stop()

	database := fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/instances/%s/databases/%s", "foo-project", "foo-instance", "foo-database")
	spannerClient, err := spanner.NewClient(ctx, database)
	if err != nil {
	defer spannerClient.Close()

	partitionMetadataTableName := "PartitionMetadata_FooStream"
	partitionStorage := partitionstorage.NewSpanner(spannerClient, partitionMetadataTableName)
	if err := partitionStorage.CreateTableIfNotExists(ctx); err != nil {

	changeStreamName := "FooStream"
	subscriber := spream.NewSubscriber(spannerClient, changeStreamName, partitionStorage)

	fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Reading the stream...\n")
	logger := &Logger{out: os.Stdout}
	if err := subscriber.Subscribe(ctx, logger); err != nil && !errors.Is(ctx.Err(), context.Canceled) {

type Logger struct {
	out io.Writer
	mu  sync.Mutex

func (l *Logger) Consume(change *spream.DataChangeRecord) error {
	defer l.mu.Unlock()
	return json.NewEncoder(l.out).Encode(change)


Use the CLI as a tool for tracking change streams or as a more detailed implementation example.


$ go install github.com/toga4/spream/cmd/spream@latest


Usage: spream [OPTIONS...]

  -d, --database (required)     Database name of change stream with the form 'projects/PROJECT_ID/instances/INSTANCE_ID/databases/DATABASE_ID'.
  -s, --stream   (required)     Change stream name
  -t, --metadata-table          Table name for partition metadata             (default: store partition metadata on memory, not Cloud Spanner)
  --start                       Start timestamp with RFC3339 format           (default: current timestamp)
  --end                         End timestamp with RFC3339 format             (default: indefinite)
  --heartbeat-interval          Heartbeat interval with time.Duration format  (default: 10s)
  --priority [high|medium|low]  Request priority for Cloud Spanner            (default: high)
  --metadata-database           Database name of partition metadata table     (default: same as database option)
  -h, --help                    Print this message


$ spream -d projects/my-project/instances/my-instance/databases/my-database -s SingerStream
Waiting changes...


Heavily inspired by below projects.