
This app looks at collecting data from Tennis API to get the current Top 10 Ranked Tennis Players in the ATP Tour and WTA Tour.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Tennis Ranking Tracker - 24 hour challenge

Goal of Project

The goal of the project is to use RapidAPI to connect with Tennis Live Data to get the current top 10 players in ATP and WTA.

Steps taken

  1. Setup up project environment with the necessary dependencies by npm install express, cors, body-parser.
  2. Required express, cors, body-parser in server.js
  3. Got API Credentials from Tennis Live Data using RapidAPI.
  4. Created functions to fetch data from api and display as a list.
  5. Updated UI dynamically with a function.


With this challenge I learned a bit about utilizing promises, fetching data, consuming APIs, and bit more familiarity with Node JS. Although, I am not an expert, I have enjoyed the experience of debugging, googling, and scrubbing through code to get answers/solutions for my concerns. I also got to experience the joy of using template literals. I also came across a really great resource that explains concepts very well. MDN Web Docs

Program Specifics

Choices between ATP and WTA

Two buttons are provided to the user to click on. Based on their selection one of two functions will be run

  1. chooseATPURL
  2. chooseWTAURL
const wtaBtn  = document.getElementById('WTA')
const atpBtn  = document.getElementById('ATP')
atpBtn.addEventListener('click', chooseATPURL)
wtaBtn.addEventListener('click', chooseWTAURL)

Consuming API

After struggling with this for a few days, I understand a bit about consuming API. There are essentially 4 parts.

  1. URLs
const options = {
    urlA: 'https://tennis-live-data.p.rapidapi.com/rankings/ATP',
    urlB: 'https://tennis-live-data.p.rapidapi.com/rankings/WTA'
  1. API Key
const headers = {
    'X-RapidAPI-Host': 'tennis-live-data.p.rapidapi.com',
    'X-RapidAPI-Key': '63d227f56cp1a4e4cjsnd5',
    'Content-Type': 'application/json'
  1. Fetch URL and Key to Receive a Response object.

The simplest use of fetch() takes one argument — the path to the resource you want to fetch — and does not directly return the JSON response body but instead returns a promise that resolves with a Response object. Read more

    fetch(options.urlA, {headers, body: JSON.stringify()})
    .then(response => response.json())
  1. Extract JSON body content from Response Object and Parse the data.

The Response object, in turn, does not directly contain the actual JSON response body but is instead a representation of the entire HTTP response. So, to extract the JSON body content from the Response object, we use the json() method, which returns a second promise that resolves with the result of parsing the response body text as JSON. Read more

Shown below is how I consumed the API to gather top 10 ATP and WTA professionals:

document.getElementById('top10').style.visibility = 'hidden'

const options = {
    urlA: 'https://tennis-live-data.p.rapidapi.com/rankings/ATP',
    urlB: 'https://tennis-live-data.p.rapidapi.com/rankings/WTA'
const headers = {
    'X-RapidAPI-Host': 'tennis-live-data.p.rapidapi.com',
    'X-RapidAPI-Key': '63d227f56cp1a4e4cjsnd5',
    'Content-Type': 'application/json'

const wtaBtn  = document.getElementById('WTA')
const atpBtn  = document.getElementById('ATP')
atpBtn.addEventListener('click', chooseATPURL)
wtaBtn.addEventListener('click', chooseWTAURL)

function chooseATPURL(){
    fetch(options.urlA, {headers, body: JSON.stringify()})
    .then(response => response.json())
    .then(data => updateUI(data))

function chooseWTAURL(){
     fetch(options.urlB, {headers, body: JSON.stringify()})
     .then(response => response.json())
     .then(data => updateUI(data))

function updateUI(data){

function topRankers(number,data){
    var i=0
    document.getElementById('top10').style.visibility = 'visible'
    while (i<number){
        document.getElementById(`number${i}`).innerHTML = `${data.results.rankings[i].first_name} ${data.results.rankings[i].last_name}`

*API Key will not work. The code has been modified so that key can't be used. A free subscription with RapidAPI will allow for use of APIs.