
Part of osmose that shows results on the website http://osmose.openstreetmap.fr

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Frontend part of Osmose QA tool

This is the part of Osmose that shows issues on a map.

Interested in helping translate Osmose? Contribute on Transifex.

For running Osmose Frontend with Docker go into the docker directory. You can also install the Frontend manually.

Manual Installation


Generate translation files

cd po && make mo


Osmose QA frontend requires python > 2.6 and < 3

Setup system dependencies (Ubuntu Server 16.04)

apt install python2.7 python2.7-dev virtualenv gcc pkg-config libpng-dev libjpeg-dev libfreetype6-dev postgresql-server-dev-all libgeos-dev g++ python-shapely nodejs

Create a python virtualenv, active it and install python dependencies

virtualenv --python=python2.7 osmose-frontend-venv
source osmose-frontend-venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Generate markers

(cd tools && ./make-markers.py)


Install javascript libraries with npm

npm install
npm run build


Setup system dependencies (Ubuntu Server 16.04)

apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib

As postgres user:

createuser -s osmose
# Set your own password
psql -c "ALTER ROLE osmose WITH PASSWORD '-osmose-';"
createdb -E UTF8 -T template0 -O osmose osmose_frontend
# Enable extensions
psql -c "CREATE extension hstore" osmose_frontend

As normal user, create the database tables:

psql osmose_frontend -f tools/database/schema.sql

Check data base parameter into tools/utils.py.

Web Server

Setup system dependencies (Ubuntu Server 16.04)

apt install apache2 libapache2-mod-wsgi

As root user, copy apache-site to /etc/apache2/sites-available/osmose.conf. Adjust the config, if needed. Especially the user and group running the process in WSGIDaemonProcess and WSGIProcessGroup, and path in WSGIScriptAlias, DocumentRoot, Aliass and Directory.

If you setup a python virtualenv add the appropriate python-path=/home/osmose/osmose-frontend-venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages at the and of WSGIDaemonProcess line.

Enable the new config:

a2dissite 000-default.conf
a2ensite osmose.conf
a2enmod expires.load
a2enmod rewrite.load
service apache2 reload

Change the server URL into website in file tools/utils.py.


Setup system dependencies for internationalization and render SVG marker with rsvg (Ubuntu Server 14.04)

apt install gettext librsvg2-bin

Database translations

When some issues are in the database, to get translations

cd tools/database/ && ./categ_menu_update.sh && ./item_menu_update.sh

Add "tools/cron.sh" to crontab, to run once per day.

Generation of coverage layer from backend

On a backend repository

./tools/generate-polygons.py  # generate all countries on polygons.openstreetmap.fr
./tools/generate-cover.sh     # generate file osmose-cover-simplified.topojson.pbf

On a frontend repository

cp ../backend/osmose-cover-simplified.topojson.pbf static/osmose-coverage.topojson.pbf.$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")
ln -sf osmose-coverage.topojson.pbf.$(date +"%Y-%m-%d") osmose-coverage.topojson.pbf