
Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A tool that makes using seed files easier with knex


npm install --save-dev knex-seed-file


Here we'll use csv file created using excel:


We want to ignore ascii value for color and use only columns 'id', 'name' and 'hexColor'

const path = require('path');

const seedFile = require('knex-seed-file');

exports.seed = function(knex, Promise) {
    .then(() => seedFile(knex, path.resolve('./fruits.csv'), 'fruits',
      columnSeparator: ';',
      ignoreFirstLine: true,
      mapTo: ['id', 'name', null, 'hexColor']


seedFile(knex, path, tableName, mapTo, options)
Property Description Default value Required
knex Knex instance undefined yes
path Absolute path to file containing values to be inserted undefined yes
tableName Corresponding table name in the database undefined yes


Property Description Default value
mapTo Defines where columns in the file will be mapped in the table undefined
columnSeparator \t
rowSeparator \n
encoding utf8
ignoreFirstLine false
useFirstLineForColumns Defines, whether first line in the file will be used when mapping data to the table. true

If you use mapTo array, useFirstLineForColumns will be set false. However, if the first row still contains labels for the data, you need to set ignoreFirstLine to true.